Question about sliders with text


Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
I sometimes struggle to add very much content on sites. However, what about using sliders for text-blocks? Pure text. Pure css/html sliders?

That way I don't need to "overload" my page with too much content. For the user it will look like normal text-blocks and even perhaps having only automatic sliding, no arrows or dots or anything.

Anyone tried, will it hurt or boost rankings?

- It's not hidden content
- It's visible in the code
- For the user, it's just normal content
- Not behind javascript/flash or similar, just normal html/css
* Its a good idea,
Make sure not to add more than 3 to 5 slides.
Text should be in attractive font and with eye catcher color.
* There are some disadvantages by adding more slides
Slow downs site loading speed
They look like pop up so there is chance of people ignoring it
Nothing bad about it if it's not hidden and is plain html/css. If it makes the site look better and therefore provide better user experience, too, then it's only good for SEO.
Ok, thanks guys, also what I suspected. Not hidden, plain html/css.