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Question about selling link on PR7 website?


Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score

I have a PR7 website and I'm thinking about selling links on it. So, my questions are, what are good services for this? Is textlinkads any good? Also, what should be the going rate for these? I'm not looking to sale many, only maybe 5-7 spots.

A little information about the site.

10+ years old
Tons of .edu and .gov backlinks
High Page and Domain Authority.
Niche: Education


I have a PR7 website and I'm thinking about selling links on it. So, my questions are, what are good services for this? Is textlinkads any good? Also, what should be the going rate for these? I'm not looking to sale many, only maybe 5-7 spots.

A little information about the site.

10+ years old
Tons of .edu and .gov backlinks
High Page and Domain Authority.
Niche: Education


There aren't really any good services. They all take far too big a cut of your money and not many people use the services, so it's hard to sell links on them. The best way is to just do it yourself. Take it from me - I'm a link broker.

You need to sell the links on the actual pr7 page though. Domain pagerank is not saleable. In other words, if your homepage is pr7 (that's your domain pagrank), but your inner pages are pr0-pr1, selling links on those inner pages means your selling pr0-pr1 links - not pr7 links - and they're worthless. So sell them on the actual pr7 page so they'll be legit pr7 links.

As far as price, it depends on what your definition of high page authority is. It also depends on the mozrank of the page.

If this is a domain you just purchased, it's not going to maintain the pr unless you do something to help it maintain the pr. For the most part, people who buy links know what they're doing. Don't try to scam them with fake pr. They'll see through it.

So, if you pr is real and you put the links on the actual pr7 page...

With a 10 year old domain if your page authority is 50+ and your mozrank is 5.0+ then a pr7 link should sell for $150-$250 a month

For a 40 page auth and 4.0 mozrank, it's in the $100-200 range

Anything below that is in the $75-$175 range

For the top end of those price ranges, the link is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

For the bottom end of those ranges, if you go any lower than the numbers on the left then you're shooting yourself in the foot and losing money.

You can check your mozrank and page authority at moonsy.com
Thanks for your detailed response! Well, the page rank is definitely not fake as I have over 3,100 links from a couple of hundred unique authority domains. Currently, the page authority is 61 and the domain authority is 53 with a moz rank of 5.16.

How many outbounds links would you suggest selling on the homepage?

Thanks Again!
You would get interested prospects if you charge $100 to $175 per spot.
You would get interested prospects if you charge $100 to $175 per spot.

This is true. Though given the stats you've provided, you could ask up to as much as $250 month per link, and you'd get it. It would take longer to fill the spots, however.
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Thanks for your detailed response! Well, the page rank is definitely not fake as I have over 3,100 links from a couple of hundred unique authority domains. Currently, the page authority is 61 and the domain authority is 53 with a moz rank of 5.16.

How many outbounds links would you suggest selling on the homepage?

Thanks Again!

No problem. Those are strong page authority and mozrank numbers. Congrats :)

You want to keep the OBLs (outbound links) low, so that the links will pass enough juice on that they don't lose value.

Some folks don't like to sell more than 5-10 links on a page. You can do more, but I'd recommend no more than 15-20 at the very most.

Make sure your total OBLs (which includes any other links on the page that point to a page on another domain) are no more than 25 at most, or your links will be less valuable.

Also, make sure you don't publicly post the URL anywhere if there's any nearby mention of links for sale. This will help to keep you off of Google's radar (Google does not like link buying or selling, even though they do it themselves).

See my post about making money from high PR in case I've forgotten anything here.

blackhatworld (dot) com/blackhat-seo/black-hat-seo/450884-how-make-money-high-pagerank.html#post4345356

And you can check your OBL total here:

linkvendor (dot) com/seo-tools/outbound-links.html

(sorry, not allowed to post links or URLs yet)