Question about Reputation

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Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I only joined yesterday and ive got a reputation of -1. Why is that? And I got a message saying f**K u from someone? Im getting a bit put off aleady, thought this was a cool place with decent people? I guess not everyones the same and there are some idiots in the world unfortunately.
Checked your posts, nothing seemed bad, it's just some jerk being a jerk, +1 from me.
There are a lot of people who can give neg rep.

Try to see on which thread someone gave you neg rep and see what caused that, maybe you posted stupid post, some offensive post to someone or so.

also people dont like if people ask for spoon feding, try to find methods by yourself. And then ask for tips, when you have started methods and need some tips to help you started or so, but you must to take action before people help you.

i hope you will take my tips, and you seem a nice guy, +19 from me ;)
Wow... thanks to everyone whos sent me + reputations im overwhelmed and wasnt expecting such fantastic responses from you guys. Its cheered me up now. :)

Yeh ferma231 i guess your right, maybe i wanted to be spoon fed, but im a direct kinda guy. I guess that approach doesnt work lol. Apart from that I dont see any other reason as to why i received abuse?

Once again thank you everyone. :)

By the way guys, ive learnt that you can + rep people so ive + repped you guys back. How do you choose to +19 Ferma321? Let me know so I can do the same to you. :)
You aren't able to give more than 1+ rep until you gain over 100 rep of your own or so I believe? I can give out +3.
By the way guys, ive learnt that you can + rep people so ive + repped you guys back. How do you choose to +19 Ferma321? Let me know so I can do the same to you. :)

You need to share some useful things to get there. i have made that much rep by sharing something useful for some people and they give + rep if they find it useful and like that.
By the way guys, ive learnt that you can + rep people so ive + repped you guys back. How do you choose to +19 Ferma321? Let me know so I can do the same to you. :)

Every 100 rep points you got will give +1 rep power. So gain more reputation to give it back.
Thanks guys... time to share some good stuff. Cant share much knowledge as Im a newbie however i can share motivated material and quotes. 200532_320019711440488_855116488_n.jpg
rep will not define who you are on bhw, as proven you can have a crappy rep through idiots but
be the most helpful guy on bhw - or visa verse . people read to much into post counts / rep
personally i wouldn't care if i had -1000 rep provided the people who no me no i do my job
and it right - thats what matters most not what people think of you .

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lol :) Don't get jealous, If you have guts then you can make new thread like "want to buy reputation or something like that" But am sure you only get -ve rep from peoples around here.. haha :) So don't try this :)

OP shared something useful here, Even though his comments are good & valuable.. Some one gave him -ve rep with no reasons..

He really have guts, he's newbie with -ve rep when placing this thread.. But he placed new thread to know reason & want to be safe on future days, So we people here giving +ve rep to motivate him.

Good Luck!


OMG he is getting +rep by doing nothing
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No tension , you know what you are... here are some people who - rep , Sick dont know what they are doing... But i see 55 Rep mate , keep up the good work .
lol :) Don't get jealous, If you have guts then you can make new thread like "want to buy reputation or something like that" But am sure you only get -ve rep from peoples around here.. haha :) So don't try this :)

OP shared something useful here, Even though his comments are good & valuable.. Some one gave him -ve rep with no reasons..

He really have guts, he's newbie with -ve rep when placing this thread.. But he placed new thread to know reason & want to be safe on future days, So we people here giving +ve rep to motivate him.

Good Luck!


i know this thank for warn me.
and i am not jealous.
i don't need reputations from today i will work as a NGO
i want to fix your rep but see already you got 55 , upgrade to jr vip and you will see the member who gave -rep
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