Question about offshore DNS providers


Nov 30, 2011
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Hi, I'm new here, and new to the web development scene. I am running a website that links to copyrighted content(movies).

The site is hosted in Netherlands.
The domain is registered in US
DNS Servers are in US
I was using AWS cloudfront, but I cancelled as it was sending my site out through the US.

Basically, I joined these forums to learn what I should do to not have my site taken down? Is it important to move my domain/dns servers out of US even if my hosting is outside of US? If so, what companies should I consider?

I know a place for VPS offshore. Let me know if you are interested.
Netherlands hosting is fine, for this type of thing, is it not? My main concerns were my dns servers being in America, and if that is as big of a deal as it actually being hosted in America, as far as me being subject to American copyright laws