Question about CPA


Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
just applied for peerfly, pretty new to this, i was thinking about making my niche site then buying real human visits from someone on bhf, cant find the thread right now but its 10,000 unique human views specified for your niche, for 11$. Do you guys think this could work? would peerfly ban me if they knew this?
im confuse buddy, how can you earn if you just send 10k views and no one would complete a single offer of yours? does peerfly alss pays per impression? (im also noob on cpa :) )
but if i got 10k views im sure a few of them would complete an offer that i have thier.
The conversion rate of that traffic will be pure 0%
If you want to earn with CPA you should have targeted traffic.
The only paid traffic you want to buy would be from PPC networks.
Don't delude yourself into thinking $11 worth of visits is going to convert when 10,000 real, targeted visits would cost at least $5000. Illogical, don't you think?
I suggest try it yourself with a very easy to do CPA, then let us know. :D
You can use paid traffic only for incentive offers.You can use ppc,cpv,seo and social media with them.It is risky to buy human traffic for such big networks .You will loose your account.
Seo and social media are the safe way to generate targeted traffic. But you need to spend time.