QUALITY Twitter Followers? (No BS)


Registered Member
Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all,

I want to purchase some Twitter followers, but literally every provider supplies BS accounts that you can tell are fake within a second.

I'm looking for HQ followers who have:

* Real photo
* Real name
* Good follow/following ratio
* Some tweets

I just ordered some from a "HQ supplier" as a test, and I got 200 accounts with Anime avatars and 0 tweets. This is not what I want.

Any recommendations?
If you expect followers at cheap rate, you will find all fake followers. If you have good budget you can get it from targeted advertising.
There is most definitely an in between to be had - I have no issues paying for quality but that quality has been hard to find.
What about buying from Bulk Accounts (buyaccs.com/en). You basically see what you are getting and the prices and quality run the spectrum, based on your budget.
Purchase paid shout out to big twitter accounts and get real followers. I think you cant really buy followers all you can do is to make your twitter appear to have more followers although it really doesn't have.
If you want high qualify followers, then get 5k fake followers and use one of the countless follower softwares to follow people in the niche you want, unfollow those after 2-4 weeks that don't follow you back, wash repeat.
I'm looking for the same HQ twitter followers, if someone has an idea where to get it. Price is not important, quality matter
Purchase paid shout out to big twitter accounts and get real followers. I think you cant really buy followers all you can do is to make your twitter appear to have more followers although it really doesn't have.

What is this?
I dont know what prices are good i paid $50 for 10,000 hq followers and the all dissapeared a few months back maybe i bought to cheap
I dont know what prices are good i paid $50 for 10,000 hq followers and the all dissapeared a few months back maybe i bought to cheap

last time ~1y when i bought HQ followers the cheapest price was ~90c/k
→hacked profiled accounts who where used too for paid retweets + likes
the 2 risks:
•the owner logs in and removes his unwanted "friends"
•twitter suspends or locks the accounts

i bought in 2016 ~ 20k "↓mix↓" for ~ 5$ today flwr count of this inactive acc 13,6k

the mix -_- got instaed of ~ 20k ~23k named extra
• all hacked
→profiled accs 25% ( including verified accs i.e. 3 international footballer .ch , .us + .br >1m flwr )
→default icon accs 75%
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