[Q] YouTube Bot Review


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,

so I'm searching for some YouTube Bots at the moment and would be glad if someone could
give me some serious reviews on these. So far I stumbled upon the following bots.

  • TigerBot
  • youbooster
  • SPK YouTube Bot

So what do you think? Should I buy any of these?
I'm getting sick of manual yt work atm.

Cheers and thanks in advance!
TigerBot: copy-paste piece of shit.
YouBooster: good friend of mine made it, decent bot.
SpK YouTube bot: Never heard of this. If you're referring to Tubenoia, it's free and open-source.
Well thank you pretty much.

As I'm speaking to SpK himself I should ask you, didn't you release a hq YouTube Bot or am I wrong?

Do you know any other kind of non-free Bots which are working well/better than these ones I stated.
I also found MagicViews, what do you think of that?

I really should do more research on these bots.

Yeah, I already tried this one. It's down, as you said.

Still looking for some awesome software. I am not yet sure
if I should buy YouBooster.
MagicViews as far as I know isn't working from March...
Wait, MagicViews? Are we talking about automation software, or view bots? Confused here.
I'm talking about Automation, yes.

I need a bot to automate Comments, Likes, Likes on Comms and
maybe Comment Approval.

Some nice-to-have would be like mass posting to related videos, flagging and
user name scraping.

Well, I thought MagicViews had some of these tools built-in, I guess I might be
wrong on this.
Does comment rating still work with Tubenoia?

Edit: Ignore that question. I see what you mean now by open source. I don't have any coding skills so it doesn't help me. Thanks, though.
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does the comment rater still work for it?
and where can u find it?
I bough Tiger Bot and it has over 50 tools and 5 types of bots like API Browser web-request for doing likes subs etc.. besides all that have account creator and a lot of other tools and forum support
More than 70% of it is copy-pasted from Tubenoia, no wonder it has many tools.
Magic Views still works. I tested and I got some random persons video 1K views in 24 hours.
Magic views- Its free , I reuploaded it because everyone deleted it and said it didn't work. Highest views so far I got is 25K.
Port forward port 554

Normally socket error is an issue with your internet connection. A lot of people got that issue if there connection couldn't handle it