How do you know what he wants to write? Whether the programs are simple or involved, LEARNING is best done with C/C++. Advocating for starting with C# is exactly the foolish mentality I was speaking of in my post.
Op stated:
I want making a simple software/program for laptop/pc windows
"simple" software. That is covered by c#. I will bet you $100 he doesn't need pointers and certainly doesn't need c. If you want to get into the technicalities of programming, learning what is going on underneath, the history of programming languages, or if you just have a love of computers and how they work, sure go with C. If you want to get things done, that is no necessary. Sure it may give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside and allow you to think that you are better than everyone else as you taking 10x as long to do the same project and if so great. But if you want to get things done and be productive, it is not necessary.
Translation: You don't know WTF you are talking about, you have little or no marketable skills, and are just another sandbox monkey who is only capable of regurgitating simple template code. But you're going to sit there and declare what people do and don't need. STFU
lol, not sure why you are getting defensive and trying to offend me for a different opinion, but I have a thick skin I can take it. As the old saying goes,
"when you cannot attack the argument, attack the person."
Simple fact of the day, the majority of software is not written in c / c++ these days unless it has to be. Because if you have a choice, you don't use c / c++. If you need that raw speed, or access to the raw metal fine. 99% of applications don't and the productivity increase incresae is worth the small % drop in speed. That fact you don't know this, says more about your lack of applied programming than anything.
Learning is a process, and is quite evident you have not learned much as you expect crutches to cushion you as you limp along with shoddy "code" never knowing why what you write is utter garbage.
Again, so much anger. My points must be hitting home. I am happy for c# to protect me against the pain points of c /c++. I am happy not to have memory learks and have a robust standard libary that lets me get things done. By your argument, why are you not coding in assembly? It's faster, it's closer to raw metal, it does away with all the crutches that c and c++ provides. Because your araguments are devoid of any merit.
Why bring up irrelevant examples with no context, AS IF a competent programmer would not have a collection of previously created functions to handle simple tasks (fucntions that can easily be tweaked for the current program). It's not like you are starting from scratch every time.
OP will be starting from scratch. And if they want to complete a little simple project, why do they need to spend reinventing the wheel.
Your dumbass readalltext example may work for certain conditions, but suppose you have concerns about memory utilization. Then, in that case, reading the entire string into memory may not be the smartest option. Why do you struggle with fread and a byte length?
How often is reading a file to memory a problem? 99.99% of the time it isn't. If it is, then solve it. Otherwise go about your day
Is that too hard for you? Probably. It's clear you never wrote a program of any serious caliber.
Is it too hard? No. Can I be bothered, no. Do I need to? no.
Utterly false garbage spoken by a fool who wants others to be as inept as he is.
Or to put it another way, wise worse spoken by somewhere working as a programmer for 20 years with a post graduate degree in advanced graphics using c++ who is productive and likes to get things done, using the best tool available with regards to efficiency and productivity. <sticks_chest_out>
Bug-free every time? LOL, no, that doesn't happen. There is a shortage of competent programmers that actually know how to program. You are a great example of the incompetent excess that we do not need any more of.
Of course not bug free every time. But anyone who is not a complete idiot will say a program written by a new programmer in c# or python or other higher level language will have less bugs, be ready quicker and be more productive than c. This is a fact.
Another idiotic example where he thinks hinging on some particular aspect of the code translates to the entire application. You cannot optimize C# like you can C/C++ because you are limited to that which the sandbox provides. With C you can embed ASM to get CPU-cycle level optimizations.
Which a new programmer is never going to do. But your argument revolves around the programmer writing very efficient c, which is not always the case. There are bad c programmers, there are bad python / java / c# programmers. For example java code can be faster than c because the JVM can optimise the code, because the JVM devs are better than your average c devs
Oh, but I'm sure you'll fire back with the stackexhange/reddit dopes who say "don't worry about optimizing". Yeah, sure, keep coding with your string of 100+ IF-ELSE-ELSIF statements because you're too fccktarded to use SWITCH() properly.
Don't worry about optimising. Get your project done. 99/100 your project will run more than fast enough on a modern machine. this becomes 100/100 for OPs stated simple little personal projects. These are facts.
Evidence the failed mentality you embrace is easily visible in so many open source programs on github...where lazy, sloppy, and stupid people think saving a week or two up front was a worthy trade-off for sub-par code that may take years to rewrite to find and deal with the shortcuts they took later down the line.
The evidence shows there are millions of useful completed projects.
Again, clueless fool who knows nothing about this has no business talking about it nor telling others what is needed or not. And no, low-level optimizations are not restricted to games and graphics you buffoon.
No not only, mostly. Graphics / games must have that raw speed. Pretty much anything else can be done in other languages. Graphics / games cannot (Aa the cutting edge level)
No, you just don't think. Maybe you cannot. You definitely should not be giving "advice".
Considering my posts on this thread have been mostly coherent, mostly onpoint, lack of aggression or insults, lets face it, OP is going to take my advice rather than some angry little nerd who feels superior (but under appreciated) because they play with pointers and memory allocation all day. If you enjoy it great, good for you. The world does need some people with those skills - is a shame your communication is completely lacking, but that is sometimes par for the course. But for 99% of programming that isn't required. If you think it is, you are wrong and sorry to tell you, you are wasting your time learning those skills unless the projects you are going to work on require them. I give you this advise to help you based on decades of real world experience. Please take my advise and maybe you will feel a bit happier inside x
No he won't, and he'll also learn nothing and be completely useless as an operator of a sandbox vs a real programmer.
I mean look here, you couldn't even use the [ CODE ] tags properly in your response. LOL
lol, you got me