[Q]Invest in Micro niche site


Registered Member
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
So guys i've been wondering if i should invest my spare money (80€)in a micro niche setup service which includes basic seo and basic link building

I would investin the Site itself + hosting + slowly link building - can you advice me some services and is it still worth it?

Thanks in advance
Why use a service at all? Why not save the money and set it up yourself?
Why use a service at all? Why not save the money and set it up yourself?

Well i could learn from the frist site i bought for my future site ( e.g Plugins used,content etc ) so that i could setup the sites in the future on my own(more like a template i'd say).And i have to admitt i dont mind paying for it-i dont need the money rn that im about to invest
That's a pretty good mindset to have. There will certainly be a learning curve. Btw, I'm not sure if you already have a particular service in mind, but 80€ may not get you the kind of quality you're after, especially if you want to learn from it.