Python guide


Registered Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Hey I was wondering if any one had a good up to date python guide or new of a site that teach python from very basic stuff to advance stuff and I was also wondering what is the best IDE for Python
Search for "Dive In To Python" by Mark Pilgrim, book is excellent, free and comes with script examples.
I use PyScripter IDE, you can download portable Python to get Python interpreter and PyScripter as a standalone package.
Go for 2.7 version of Python, because some third party modules/libraries aren't compatible with new Python (3 or 3k) yet.
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learnpythonthehardway DOT org

Apparantley I can't post links... Have fun :)
download bitche. run bitche, search for "python lynda" you will get a basic video course. around 5 hours covers all aspects of python basic.

You can do the same thing with almost every programming language.
One more recommendation for Lynda. It's how I started learning Python.
There's a few videos on Khan academy also related to python. I haven't really taken a look at them though.

I really suggest Lynda also

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I have something better for u ! MIT provides free courseware. The programming course is in python. Just google it. Really good to get started in python.
The best way to learn any programming language is by practicing more and more.
Without practice you can not do it well.
If you have some basic programming skills then you should practice more and more.
Books: Mark Lutz "Learning Python" (4th edition) & "Programming Python"
IDE: Emacs
Yea CodeAcademy has a pretty good interactive browser to practice and solve the python problems they have laid out for you.