Putting Tables(Charts) In Wordpress


Dec 11, 2011
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First, off, hi everyone, newbie here. I use WordPress quite frequently, am familiar with plug-ins, HTML etc. - so I don't really need a rundown on all that stuff.

I have a website for a small business that I made using Wordpress and the prices need to be put into charts - which I made using the <table> tag in HTML and copied into the HTML editor in Wordpress. The table showed up except even though I put a border (border="1" or "2") it would not show a border.

Also, is there any easy way for a non-HTML savvy person to create charts in Wordpress (there are other non code savvy people using and wanting to edit the site) - any help would be appreciated.
You can use these 2 plugins; 1 for tables and 1 for charts:


I have not used the chart builder recently but do use wp-table-reloaded which is a great plugin.

Hope this helps!
Seems to my that you're having a styling issue. Check your style.css file and find how your tables are drawn.

But wp-table-reloaded is a great option if you don't want to get into the code. Plugins can slow you down a bit, but they're the best option if you don't want to hard code it.
Okay, I figured out what the problem was.

1) add the Ultimate Tiny MCE plug-in - they will add a row in your WYSIWY editor when you add pages/posts

2) also, I had a problem of vertical rows not showing - when I used the HTML "border = 1" it didn't show a border. What you need to do instead is

<table style="width:200px;color:#804000;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:2px;">1</td> <td style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:2px;">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:2px;">3</td> etc. etc. etc.Hope this helps anyone who had a similar problem.