Proxy needed for link building?


Jun 8, 2009
Reaction score
Just a quick question. Is it necessary to use proxies for manual link building? If so, I would really appreciate it if someone could share some links to good free proxies. Thanks a bunch and take care.
Just a quick question. Is it necessary to use proxies for manual link building? If so, I would really appreciate it if someone could share some links to good free proxies. Thanks a bunch and take care.

While if you are not building a lot of links you can probably get away without them they are always a good idea.

Look in the proxies section of the forum, people post free ones there regularly and there are a couple of very affordable services as well.
Proxies are necessary if you want to build more than 1 account per site. A proxy will make the site think you're a second person.
If you do Blog commenting even manually you will must need Proxies because ASKIMAT for more than normal commenting and for profile backlinks you can make it almost with no issue in manual link building.
