I looked at Proxidize, a year ago, or so, but there were a number of problems with how they structured it.
Later on, I had a subscriber who told me they used it for a period, and there were some unexpected infrastructure issues, so I'm glad I didn't get deeper into, myself.
You might look at Mobinet, but it's gonna take some setup.
Hydraproxy comes to mind, as well. (if that's still around)
For my purposes, I use webshare and proxies.com, and it's much more cost-effective.
Nobody can really tell you what to use, though, dude, because there are so many variables per use-case.
You really just need to save as many proxy service tabs as possible, and start weeding them out on paper.
Reduce them to the most likely candidates, and then run some trials.
That's the best way to go, pretty much.
Best to you, man!