Prosociate finishing business?


Regular Member
Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
I just noticed prosociate dot com is for sale.
If they are selling the domain, then what the hell are they doing with the plugin ?

There was alot of hype around it, I found it very glitchy, support can be qustioned but I did like it once you find ways around the glitches.
I have the plugin but doubt it is much good to be honest.
Help is none existent, they are take your money and it's bye, bye it was good knowing you...

Thanks for sharing the info
I used the plugin and had to remove it and all the images and products, published products ok sometimes, some with broken images so i had to check the site and remove products manually. Can be hit and miss when loading products. Help is non existant now they have sold it to another company. I gave up on it int the end