programmer for hiding aff id


Power Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
so heres my problem, a competitor keeps getting my affiliate ID through my landing page.

I need some kind of script that will mask my aff id from competitors in the the source and in the cookies. IF anyone can help pm me
You say, "keeps getting my affiliate ID"; Seems like you have tried to hide it and failed. There is nothing you can do to hide it from a determined competitor.

It is especially easy if it involves redirection.

You could try to be sneaky by stuffing every visitor. And giving them a link without and affiliate id.
No coder is going to be able to hide your aff ID from http headers.

Here's your best solution to earn $$$ if you have a bad arse like this killing your landing pages...
I'm kind of able to do it in curl, if there is any experts please pm me, also midget, your post was stupid
You can do a PHP redirect, but again on the product page it may display.

example: the final product page could be: -- a competitor can see that. The easiest way to hide that is to have an ID that is bland. I have a CB ID that insinuates a discount, site IDs that are similar to "buynow" "register" "free" etc.

I can still make you some PHP redirects with click amount tracking for $5 if you are interested. :biggthump That way your link would be something like instead of a large aff link.
here's what you do. Domain -> Iframe(offer.php)

offer.php redirects to your aff url.

on ur main site it will only show <iframe src="offer.php"/>

now to make it even more secure u could check the referer on offer.php, it should always be ur domain since ur iframing it. If its not ur domain dont redirect anywhere.

Havnt tried it but It just came to mind.
There's no way to truly hide your link.

At some point the browser (IE, FF, Safari, etc.) has to know where it's going and it will be exposed. Any type of link cloaking or redirecting is easily discovered using even a simple tool like Link Hopper (

The web is inherently public. You can make it more of a hassle on yourself... but in the end it's pretty easy to break a link down to it's associated hops. You can hide, obfuscate, encode, rename, etc. and the browser still needs to know what it is... and your competitor will know, too.

You can get trickier with things like DNS aliases and iframes... but anybody that has half a clue and really wants to know will break through anything you do in no more than a few minutes. It's the good news and the bad news of internet marketing. It's all public if you know where (and how) to look.

Why do you need your affiliate ID hidden to that extent? Is your competitor doing something to your actual ID? Typically they are simply seeking out the network and the offer... not your actual affiliate ID (unless they are doing it to flag or report your account).

Perhaps if you shared what your competitor is actually doing to your affiliate ID we could provide better help with alternate solutions.

And... it could be your competitor is just stupid enough that cloaking your link will actually deter him / her.
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One thing you could do, however, if you can trace your competitor's IP, is to present him with a page stripped of any affiliate links (which would raise a red flag), or, better, with dummy links or some other competitor's link embedded in the page.

This is the same type of strategy you would use when cloaking a page/site from Google. If your link is live you simply can't hide it (see my last response). So the trick would be to determine when to show a live link and when to show a fake link (not a cloaked link... since that is useless in this situation).

The actual logic behind the fake link would be really easy in any scripting language like PHP or .net. Harder would be getting your competitor's IP... although I can think of a handful of ways to skin that cat. It would take a little bit of effort... but doable. Very doable.
Guys... any and all redirects or frames are way too easy to track. Anything involving a redirect of any sort will simply not work. I think some of you are confused as to what happens in a redirect (whether it's accomplished via .htaccess, a header redirect, or a meta-refresh).

You are not hiding anything. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

You are *only* providing an initial link that is not the final destination. Cloaked links of any sort are designed to keep prying eyes from discovering the final destination with only a cursory glance. They are *not* designed to (nor can they) prevent the actual browser (IE, FF, Safari, etc.) from reaching the final destination. And, therefore, cannot hide your hops.

Link cloaking provides nothing more than an ultra thin layer of protection from people who don't want to be bothered to trace them. They are not secure. They are not hidden. They provide nothing more than an easily defeated nuisance factor.

I'm shocked that supposed black hat marketers don't understand this very basic concept. You can *not* hide your links.

Don't believe me? Post your best "cloaked" link or page. I'll post the "cracked" link within seconds of reading it.

*caveat* the one expection to this would be if an affiliate network actually supported true encrypted url parameters (not the crappy ClickBank stuff). You still couldn't hide the link chain... but you could hide the offer ID, affiliate ID, etc.
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Heres what the competitor seems to be doing to report me to my networks... They are either getting my ID through my source code or through the cookies.

If they're getting it through the source code i can encrypt it, but i think they're getting it through the cookie. Domain masking and encryption should be able to keep them from finding my ID through the source code from what i understand, but they only need to open up their cookies to find out
I can do the following for you:




PM me if interested.
CSalt2, i would recommend installing this firefox addon "Live HTTP Header"

And then test any solution before you hand over any money, as you will see you can't hide shit from any HTTP headers analysis. I use this addon every day for spotting/ tracking cookies.

My comment about Macc's wasn't stupid, its just the bitch slap of reality. I've had the same problem with some fucker before & it sucks. Aff Snitchs are fuckn pathetic.