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private proxy or VPN?


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I am still looking for a proxy service with cheap offer that would sell fast proxy with socks 5 and sell 100 Ip addresses for $30 or more. I know a site called ProxyBonanza, who would offer me 100 IP Addresses just for $30, but they doesn't reply back. Anyone know a good private proxy service who have a fast proxy that support socks 5 and would offer me a cheap price with many IP addresses??

Any comment would be much appreciate.

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You'll have a hard time finding an offer of 30$ for 100 IPs, you pay 30$ for 5 IPs with a few GB traffic limit on the site you mention.

Shared is possible but exclusive IPs don't go at that rate.
Yeah, but the problem with the shared ip, it might have already been registered to the site that i wish to use those IPs to sign up on the site. I am sure that there should be many cheap price for private proxies out there with secure SSL socks5??
I don't know any legal offer for private proxies even close to your requirement.
30 us cent per ip is a bit low for that
Well I wouldn't mind if the service out there who would have a bit high price than my requirement?? For E.G: Buy 100 IPs (or less) for $50.
You can browse the sale section, that gives a good overview on the market.
Do anyone know a good private proxy providers out there that would offer with many proxies on a cheap price??
Didn't chris ask for a good provider for many proxies ? that xroxy thing seems to be single proxies.
Plus: By flying through their offer page it looks like the IPs are shared among all customers ?

Chris: Why don't you browse the offers we have on BHW ?
Most companies on the web have shared IPs and they are focused at the single-proxy user.
What do you need proxies for ?