Prevent eye strain - protect your eyes


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
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I use my computer quite a lot and I forget to blink, I forget to take breaks, which makes my eyes hurt badly. So I started looking for a software that will remind me to take breaks regularly and came across EyeLeo. I have nothing to do with this software, I just found it very useful after using it a couple days and thought it would be wise to share it since I know there are quite a few people who are facing similar problems. Thanks to this software I am now doing exercises with my eyes every 15 minutes, and I take a 5 minute break every hour. And of course it's free. If you are using a similar software or have a better suggestion, feel free to share its name.

20-20 here I come! My eyes hurt as I type this so thank you for the share.
I sometimes forget to take breaks. Thanks for introducing this to me.
I need to have this in my tools of arsenal :) definitely something worthy of a share for your health...
Thanks for the wonderful share mate!
I'm installing the shit out of this for everyone at the office!

Pro tip: Use natural tears 3-4 day. I used to suffer from dry eyes and they've helped a lot.
My human body evolved and is now immune to the so called eye strain.
Great share, I always forget to take breaks. Only break for me is to take a piss :)
I've been using for a long time ... Another great alternative.Make sure to set it to reading mode.
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I have been on the computer since I was 8 and I never took why start now? *picks up bifocals
I have been using the computer heavily lately and could benefit from this, so thanks!!!
Thanks, I really needed this! I'm going to check it out tomorrow.
my left eye had been twitching for like 2 damn weeks straight! nice share.
My eyes got quite fucked up since the days of the CRT Monitors, and I take smoke breaks now every 30 mins to an hour, and now my lungs are fucked up and my eyes aren't getting any better :D
Good share man!

Actually i found taking 5mins per hour is good for your health. Grinding poker and getting those 5 min to relax, relax your eyes and thinking about how to take the stacks of the fishes at your table makes it an awesome 'feature'.

One pro tip is also to blink around 10-20 times per minute. At first might seem unnatural, but believe me when I say your body will love it ;)

Actually this could be an interesting niche idea. Market IMers or people that spend tons of time in the PC and tell them if you dont buy my shit your eyes will burn :p The same thing these guys in those 'conspiracy theories' do :p
Great Software. Thanks for sharing..Installed and loving it... :)
I just want to add that unless you are using CRT monitor it is impossible to cause long time negative effects on you eyes.

The worst thing that can happen is your eyes getting dry and then they start to hurt. You could use natural tear drops for this, so you won't be wasting 5 minutes every hour doing nothing.