PPI journey to $5/day


May 5, 2014
Reaction score
So, I've written a legit thread, but thanks to this stupid "modaration system" aka let's-rape-every-newbie-for-donations, I couldn't post it. What a phatetic way. Anyways, I'm here to start a journey. I might seem rude, but this moderation system thing is really annoying.

*EDIT* thanks tho TheLoneSynchro I've noticed what's "wrong" in my thread.

So, today I decided to start a PPI journey to $5 a day. I can't even tell how many times I have failed in PPI/PPD/CPA/Afiiliate marketing... And yet, I'm comming back again. I hope it works.

What I already have:

  • $10 to make it work.
  • Experience in C# programming.
  • An aproximate understanding of marketing and youtube SEO.
  • Video skills. I can make a nice looking video.
  • Unlimited Hitleap resources.

What I do need:

  • A gaming niche. I can create some legit looking programs.
  • A plan.
  • Time. Time is my enemy now.
  • PPI network. The one I'm using now doesn't accept my stuff. Though I already have $12 there. Any suggestions?

What's the plan?

For now, I gonna find a niche, and create a fake program for it. Also, I'll record one video. Then I'll upload it on one channel, pick some keywords, and give it a 2000 views boost. To find a niche, I'll try to look for hot new games, and create a hack or key generator program. This is what people needs, right?
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So, I've written a legit thread, but thanks to this stupid "modaration system" aka let's-rape-every-newbie-for-donations, I couldn't post it. What a phatetic way. Anyways, I'm here to start a journey. I might seem rude, but this moderation system thing is really annoying.


Yeah, it is annoying. I believe it goes away aftet 50 post(s). However; Once you start to see the amount of spammy crap we have to deal with even AFTER they get passed the moderation system, you will understand it.

Here you go

So, today I decided to start a PPI journey to $5 a day. I can't even tell how many times I have failed in PPI/PPD/CPA/Afiiliate marketing... And yet, I'm comming back again. I hope it works.

What I already have:

$10 to make it work.
Experience in C# programming.
An aproximate understanding of marketing and youtube SEO.
Video skills. I can make a nice looking video.
Unlimited Hitleap resources.

What I do need:

  • A gaming niche. I can create some legit looking programs.
  • A plan
  • Time. Time is my enemy now,.
  • PPI Network. Revenyou.com doesn't accept my stuff, but I already have $12 there. Any suggestions?

What's the plan? For now, I gonna find a niche, and create a fake program for it. Also, I'll record a one video. Then I'll upload it on one channel, pick some keywords, and give it a 2000 views boost. To find a niche, I'll try to look for hot new games, and create a hack or key generator program. This is what people needs, right?

P-S: Just remove "Revenyou.com" from your post and you'll be fine.
So, I just did all the things I've mentioned in the first post.

Start install: 10 Successfull: 5 Completed: 50% Comission $: 0.06

Nothing special so far. I'm not satisfied.
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So, I've boosted it with another 2000 views. Almost 24 hours passed, and:

Start install: 0 Successfull: 0 Completed: 0% Comission $: 0.00

*EDIT* Could anyone sell me a PPD friendly niche for a few dollars? I'm terrible at finding my own.
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