Powerful Keyword Suggestion Tool - Free


Registered Member
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hey fellow Cybernauts,

i wanted to share my keyword suggestion tool with you guys. Initially it was planned as a premium product, however I have decided to open it up and give something back to the community. You can find it at


Just add the same domain ending this awesome forum has.

Hopefully it proves useful to you guys, comments/thanks are very welcome, as everybody likes a little belly rub, so do I!


PS: I am not allowed to post links yet. In the message you get when you register, I am told to obfuscate the link. I hope I did it right and am not violating any rules. If so, please tell me!
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Very nice app mate! Like how you can hit just YT, amazon or ebay. Thanks
Just put in a few keywords and received 2000+ suggestions, now 3k. Good recommendation!
Really cool site! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Ahh man.. it broke. I tried to get suggestions from 1600 keywords.
Ahh man.. it broke. I tried to get suggestions from 1600 keywords.
Haha yeah, you have to watch out, if you overdo it, the services are going to block you or your browser is just going to crash. It is all Javascript, the requests are sent from your browser.

Don't use Nuke on every search, it won't give you better results than maybe an English full will. Use it wisely!

My recommendation to get the most out of it is to just enter a few (1-10) main keywords and then run "English" oder whatever you need. Most of the times you will get all results that you need.
Too Fast and too awesome.

Thanks for sharing this tool with the Community, Recently i was facing problems with keywordshitter, but seems like this is a very good alternative i found.

Thanks again.
it's like scrapebox keyword scraper with more sites.

good tool. added to my list.
Great tool. Thanks for the time to build it. Bookmarked.
Holy shit this thing works ^_^

Thanks a lot dude :)
Awesome tool and Bookmarked ;)

All you need to do now is monetize this handy tool
Dude you should consider some means of CSRF token or captcha or something else. Currently, your ajax files returns result if it has "data". You are gonna get heavy load pretty soon if you don't stop the leechers. Just a friendly advice :)