Porn Uploading - just some (valueable) tips


Regular Member
Feb 28, 2015
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Hey there everybody.

So, as most of you know, Adrian112 has shared that super guide for porn uploading and it is not working for most of because you are just literally doing the thing he is doing. Of course, it won't work, how can it work if 10k people are doing the exact same thing and expect the result? Unfortunately, the economy does not work that way.

Anyhow... I came here to share some tips.

1. First of all, doing pure 301 redirects will not work, maybe it will, but you will have some shitty conversions. Like 1 lead per 1k website hits.

2. USE YOUR IMAGINATION. Seriously, imagination is a powerful weapon. Would you want to enter your e-mail address to some 301 redirected website? I know I would not, even if I was jerking off. Make a landing page, be creative.

3. You have to understand your customer. When he is watching the porn you uploaded, he wants to maybe chat with that girl. How do we make him potentially meet that girl? I made a sweet landing page that has "Current Status: ONLINE" haha. Of course, she is not online, but you get the idea. You have to adapt everything to your customer if you understand him/her your conversions will skyrocket.

Don't simply copy this idea, expand it, there are millions of ideas out there. Internet is your friend.

4. Don't watermark the videos, you can get in some serious trouble, at least, that is what I read. Instead of watermarking I read you can use some lines like "Meet this girl on YOURWEBSITE.COM".

5. Pick a domain that is short, since you mostly depend on type-in traffic and that is logical. So, a domain with a name won't work. It looks spammy.

6. VIDEOS. The most important part. Download HD videos, don't download low quality 240p videos that lag. For my download/upload purposes, I use a VPS that uploads pretty much anything in seconds.

So, to recap everything we have just said.
  • be creative
  • use unique, high-quality videos
  • make a landing page, don't be lazy

Actually, I don't even know why I wrote this, I guess I feel smart at the moment. Enjoy.
Hey there everybody. 4. Don't watermark the videos, you can get in some serious trouble, at least, that is what I read. Instead of watermarking I read you can use some lines like "Meet this girl on YOURWEBSITE.COM".
Do you think there is so much difference between these two?
Did you read about that on this forum? How do you think how many users of this forum have jurist/lawer education?
Do you think there is so much difference between these two?
Did you read about that on this forum? How do you think how many users of this forum have jurist/lawer education?

Yes, there is an actual difference. When you are watermarking something, that means you are essentially putting your own logo/trademark on something you don't own. Basically, you are stealing. When you are putting your domain name in the title it means there is a chance of that same performer to be found on your page. Of course, I have a privacy policy and terms of use that stricly say there is a chance you will or will not find the performer you were looking for.

I have asked several people who practice law and they told me that watermarking something that is not yours is stealing, therefore, illegal.
Yes, there is an actual difference. When you are watermarking something, that means you are essentially putting your own logo/trademark on something you don't own. Basically, you are stealing. When you are putting your domain name in the title it means there is a chance of that same performer to be found on your page. Of course, I have a privacy policy and terms of use that stricly say there is a chance you will or will not find the performer you were looking for.

I have asked several people who practice law and they told me that watermarking something that is not yours is stealing, therefore, illegal.

I think you miswrote some content above. While reading through it, you appear to have made legal representations in absence of a legal degree. This MUST be the case anyway since if someone posts a video of copyrighted content .... it doesn't matter if the domain name is watermarked, in the title, or just appears on some slides throughout the video. It's legally exactly the same. Now what legal repercussions may come of it ... I guess that's up to the entitled copyright holder. They have options to sue you in civil court, DMCA your videos, and/or send you cease and desist letters, and yes there can be criminal prosecution in certain instances.
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How much are you making a day re uploading porn? Also, like with any method you have to offer value if you want conversions. Maybe have your landing page include more porn videos or a porn database. Always offer value
I think you miswrote some content above. While reading through it, you appear to have made legal representations in absence of a legal degree. This MUST be the case anyway since if someone posts a video of copyrighted content .... it doesn't matter if the domain name is watermarked, in the title, or just appears on some slides throughout the video. It's legally exactly the same. Now what legal repercussions may come of it ... I guess that's up to the entitled copyright holder. They have options to sue you in civil court, DMCA your videos, and/or send you cease and desist letters, and yes there can be criminal prosecution in certain instances.

Of course, that doesn't mean these things will always happen. It just means it's the risk you take in doing this model. I am optimistic people will stop giving the shittiest legal advice ever very soon. If you are not an attorney, or otherwise have no idea what you are talking about it's probably best not to speak to legal questions.

I don't give a crap how many idiots who practice law you asked about the legality of this issue. Try asking an actual attorney as opposed to some dopes from your homeland. This stuff has to end. There's a reason lawyers make the big bucks guys. It's because they know legitimate answers to these kinds of questions. You absolutely DIDN'T ask an attorney, or they would have given you the answer below:

Be sure to pay special close attention to the sections labeled "civil penalties" and "criminal penalties."

***Disclaimer: I Am Not An Attorney - But I've Been Working On My Reading Skills For A Long Time. Copyright infringement for personal gain is a very risky proposition, so if you are not comfortable with risk you probably shouldn't do this method at all.

****Disclaimer 2: Is it really legal to copyright people fucking? This can be a very expensive battle for you if you become the target of a major studio label, but if you have a huge legal defense fund I'm certain many lawyers would love to argue this issue in a court of a law. There is existing case law that makes this a viable question to ask, but there is no definitive answer to the question, so only a judge in a court will actually answer this question some day. I only threw this out there to play devil's advocate a little bit. I still think that if a person is very risk averse with their business they probably shouldn't bother to pursue this method as the anxiety over it would be way too much to handle. Only you know what risks you're willing to take with your businesses.

First of all, I have no idea what the fuck I just read as I have literally zero law knowledge. I just mostly quoted what my friends told me.

If that is the case, I'll ask a proper attorney.
How much are you making a day re uploading porn? Also, like with any method you have to offer value if you want conversions. Maybe have your landing page include more porn videos or a porn database. Always offer value

I'd like to apologize as I don't know how to multiquote.

Isn't offering a porn databse actual stealing?
I'd like to apologize as I don't know how to multiquote.

Isn't offering a porn databse actual stealing?

Maybe linking to a porn database, or offering some unique porn, perhaps direct your own porn or hire a girl and offer videos/pictures on your landing page. Get creative, start a porn company

Also, your daily income with this porn upload method?
Maybe linking to a porn database, or offering some unique porn, perhaps direct your own porn or hire a girl and offer videos/pictures on your landing page. Get creative, start a porn company

Also, your daily income with this porn upload method?

I have been doing this for some months now, only recently actually started to scale it up, and I average around $30-50 per day.
I have been doing this for some months now, only recently actually started to scale it up, and I average around $30-50 per day.

You are having excellent success for someone with only that amount of time invested. Assuming you continue to upload consistently your success is likely to continue to grow. Good luck, and congrats on such terrific performance.
You are having excellent success for someone with only that amount of time invested. Assuming you continue to upload consistently your success is likely to continue to grow. Good luck, and congrats on such terrific performance.

Thank you.

I upload every single day, I use proxies, etc. :)
Obvisouly, I am not going to tell which sites allow multi upload and domain names as you have to discover that for yourself.

I really think that a good video and proper split testing will ALWAYS work.
I have been doing this for some months now, only recently actually started to scale it up, and I average around $30-50 per day.

nice, can you tell me which website upload, where can find high-quality videos
I only get 5-20 views per video I don't know why. I also upload every day.

I am avoiding HD videos though and big name porn from popular categories like brazzers etc.
Got another cool list wich sites are recommended for the uploading? the pin sites? tube sites?
Thank you.

I upload every single day, I use proxies, etc. :)
Obvisouly, I am not going to tell which sites allow multi upload and domain names as you have to discover that for yourself.

I really think that a good video and proper split testing will ALWAYS work.

Sorry if this is an amateur question, what does split testing mean?
Split testing is a process of trying different variations of landing pages, also titles and tags in the videos, domain name etc. so you can find the best variation that bring the greatest amount of money.
Have you made any expirience with the issue, that you get nearly not clicks when you upload a big bunch of videos?
When I upload 50 vids in 24h to a site they get nearly no views. When I upload only 10 they get views. Somebody knows something about it?
In this case I'm talking about xvideos but other sites have a similar problem.