Political Ads on tiktok


  • Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 19.07.04.png
    Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 19.07.04.png
    235.2 KB · Views: 61
It's forbidden in Romania, I remind you. You're not allowed to pay for ads on social networks outside the election period and during the election period, the ad must be clearly identified as an election ad.
Source : Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului - CNA
Decizia nr. 220/2011 privind Codul de reglementare a conţinutului audiovizual.

What's more, you're doing this while we're in the middle of a European election campaign and TikTok is being beaten up by member states.
Message to moderators: I know we're not allowed to write in any language other than English, but I'm just letting him know the reference for my message.
It's forbidden in Romania, I remind you. You're not allowed to pay for ads on social networks outside the election period and during the election period, the ad must be clearly identified as an election ad.
Source : Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului - CNA
Decizia nr. 220/2011 privind Codul de reglementare a conţinutului audiovizual.

What's more, you're doing this while we're in the middle of a European election campaign and TikTok is being beaten up by member states.
Message to moderators: I know we're not allowed to write in any language other than English, but I'm just letting him know the reference for my message.
Fair enough
It's forbidden in Romania, I remind you. You're not allowed to pay for ads on social networks outside the election period and during the election period, the ad must be clearly identified as an election ad.
Source : Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului - CNA
Decizia nr. 220/2011 privind Codul de reglementare a conţinutului audiovizual.

What's more, you're doing this while we're in the middle of a European election campaign and TikTok is being beaten up by member states.
Message to moderators: I know we're not allowed to write in any language other than English, but I'm just letting him know the reference for my message.
Going back to the good ol facebook then
Hey there is any way to conceal some " political ads " on tiktok ? so they don't get taken down instantly?
Yes Use cloaking setup on your website to bypass tiktok ads review process.My ads are running by an agency its working well.
Try to keep political content subtle and blend it into other types of posts to avoid instant removal.