Please how can I create animated headline like this?

Hi there,

Please, how can I create an annimated headline ike this ?

I know that it's a .gif image, but please, how can I create one similar to this?


you better work on your signature first :)
I use Adobe's Edge Animate, it's pretty easy and the results are amazing.

Here's an example:

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you could try Beneton Movie GIF or Falco GIF Animator, they're both free
Hey mate,

Google ''best apps to get animated gifs'' and you'll find a ton of useful tools for this.
SwishMax is great for making flash animations, but it isn't free, though it's a lot easier to use than Macromedia Flash 8. It doesn't do animated gif's though.
that can be easily done with adobe photoshop gif animator... the animation isn't that hard...
I also looking for this type of animated image for my signature space.
The easiest way you can make it in Adobe Photoshop.
Please see the Youtube or anyother making Gif file tutorail in Adobe Photoshop.
You will get penalty of links.
That is just a very, very basic animated GIF which you can do rather easily in Photoshop (or Fireworks if you still have it, even though Adobe doesn't support it anymore). In Photoshop, you just enable the Timeline panel, and from there it's just simple frames-based animation. You'll see a bunch of frames across the bottom, that you can duplicate all of your layers across, then just make some layers visible/invisible at various points in the timeline to your liking. On each frame, you can specify the delay between that frame and the next one. Or you can select a group of frames and adjust the delays in bulk.

Adobe Edge Animate, while a great product, would be overkill for what the original poster is requesting. I am assuming they just want a simple, self-contained GIF file. With Adobe Edge Animate, you would need to include a whole set of external files as well to produce the animation, which get's much more complicated.
You can make it either with Adobe photoshop gif animation or Adobe Flash.
If it is too technical for you using photoshop or illustrator, using the BST section is the best solution
You should search for tutorials on YouTube, and use photoshop for it if you wanna do just basic stuff like in the example you supplied.
It's simple with 2 websites:
first - gif viewer:
second for creation:
The site looks good man, now I don't have to install any special software just for creating an animated gif. ;)
Photoshop can do it alone. Depends on your skill level.