Pinterest Traffic


Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
Till yesterday, I was getting around 3k visits daily from pinterest (110 accounts). But suddenly from the past 20 hours or so, traffic stopped enormously. I experienced a significant decrease in traffic. Received only around 400 hits today and that too, I think, are from yesterdays pinning.

What are the reasons for this? Are my accounts Ghosted? Is there any bug in Pinpal Bot due to changes in pinterest website?

I need an urgent help from Pinterest Experts as I am relatively new in Pinterest Marketing and have experienced this for the very first time.

Its very unlikely for weekend to be the reason.

Check few things.

1)Do you see your pins when you visit.

2) What was the last time you pinned with those accounts?

3) How many images did you pin till now?

4) Do you use proxy?

5) Do you use CPA?

Let me know I can try to help you
1) Yes, I can see them. And the pin link is working fine too.

2) About an hour ago. I pin everyday.

3) around 50 pins everyday with each account.

4) Yes.

5) No. Adsense.

1) Yes, I can see them. And the pin link is working fine too.

2) About an hour ago. I pin everyday.

3) around 50 pins everyday with each account.

4) Yes.

5) No. Adsense.


you are playing safe. no need to worry.

Add more Images to your website and leave the existing pins for moment.

Pin them. I hope this will work.
It may be due to several reasons not because of ghosted,just check is there any competition there? That may be reason to decrease traffic.
Just curious but what kind of bounce rate do you usually get from pinterest traffic? Mine is ridiculously high even when I target keywords
9 times out of 10 your link has been marked as spam by the big P.

Easiest way to find out is to do a RePin blast with your links and as it is doing it, the process log will tell you if the link has been marked as spam.

You then go and do a link updater on all of your accounts.

Good thing about big P is it seems to be temporary, they don't ban links permanently like twitter does (so far)
9 times out of 10 your link has been marked as spam by the big P.

Easiest way to find out is to do a RePin blast with your links and as it is doing it, the process log will tell you if the link has been marked as spam.

You then go and do a link updater on all of your accounts.

Good thing about big P is it seems to be temporary, they don't ban links permanently like twitter does (so far)

I checked some random Pins. Link is working fine. But still, I too Believe that there might be some spam restriction. Today I'll be testing it out with a new link. Lets see how it goes.

A gradual increase in traffic observed. But still not the same.

Do anyone know, What happens when account gets ghosted?
When your account gets ghosted, you don't receive error messages or anything. You just keep going about your business, but nothing happens. For instance, you click "Follow" and it will act like you successfully followed them, but when you click back to them the option to "Follow" is still there and your following count does not increase.
9 times out of 10 your link has been marked as spam by the big P.

Easiest way to find out is to do a RePin blast with your links and as it is doing it, the process log will tell you if the link has been marked as spam.

You then go and do a link updater on all of your accounts.

Good thing about big P is it seems to be temporary, they don't ban links permanently like twitter does (so far)

Easiest way? LOL
Why not go to your pin url and click the link from your site? If you see a warning from Pinterest you know you are f.c.ed by P. You can expect a bann/suspension
I too guess that it is due to the weekends. Maybe your regular traffic will be back the next day. Good luck!
Till yesterday, I was getting around 3k visits daily from pinterest (110 accounts). But suddenly from the past 20 hours or so, traffic stopped enormously. I experienced a significant decrease in traffic. Received only around 400 hits today and that too, I think, are from yesterdays pinning.

What are the reasons for this? Are my accounts Ghosted? Is there any bug in Pinpal Bot due to changes in pinterest website?

I need an urgent help from Pinterest Experts as I am relatively new in Pinterest Marketing and have experienced this for the very first time.


What are you using to create the pinterest accounts?
Custom Bot = Verified Emails +[Proxy] Verified Twitters +[Proxy] Invite Code >[Proxy] Pinterest >[Proxy] Email Verify for Pinterest, and you'r done :P