Pinterest logic for popular pins


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
How they are counting whether a pin is popular or not?

I'm sure things like this same


are not valid anymore

I'm trying to create a bot to do things like get 500 accounts to like-repin-comment an specific pin
or things like that, but i need to understand the pinterest logic.

I'm sure there must be a secret formula that i won;t find here, but if you have experience with pinterest, lets share some ideas.
Everybody has his numbers! but what i can tell you that it's not depends on the other popular pins in the keyword...Goto the keyword page and look. They are making 2000repins or they are new and increasing fast. So you need to compete by getting alot of repins fast and in a consistant manner (they should get noticed by your followers too|)..

Summary, start with 100 likes, 100 repins and 5 comments and check.

Doubt its that simple. Otherwise they woudnt hire statisticians.
In analogy to backlinks there is probably a difference between getting "PR0" repin and "PR10" repin.