Would you recommend a place to buy
- 500 verified pinterest account
- proxy service.
- pin bot, can you suggest one? I already have ninjapinner but not sure if i can use it to do things like this.
What do i need?
I need to repin popular pins based on keywords and change the account everytime the repin was made using proxys.
The bot should create random boards.
I don't know if that make sense in order to promote a website and send traffic from pinterest to it.
- 500 verified pinterest account
- proxy service.
- pin bot, can you suggest one? I already have ninjapinner but not sure if i can use it to do things like this.
What do i need?
I need to repin popular pins based on keywords and change the account everytime the repin was made using proxys.
The bot should create random boards.
I don't know if that make sense in order to promote a website and send traffic from pinterest to it.