PHP expert needed


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
hi guys

i am looking for a PHP expert.
i need to improve my PHP site speed on google page speed insight.

let me know if anyone can help.

Try compressing the images on your site first, simple solution and can greatly increase your pages performance.

these are my problems:

Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Leverage browser caching

these are my problems:

Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Leverage browser caching
Well, your first problem is JS and CSS, not PHP.
Browser caching also has nothing really to do with PHP. For this solution, try something along the lines of this in your htaccess:
<IfModule mod_expires>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year"
ExpiresDefault "access 2 days"

The veeeeery long and indepth read about browsing caching can be found here:
Also u can try using cache for page which loading with database.
u right guys,these are main problems

Your page has 4 blocking script resources and 2 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
u right guys,these are main problems

Your page has 4 blocking script resources and 2 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Hi mate, To fix this warning, you have to add all javascript to footer.