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PHP Developer Required


Regular Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I am looking to have a developer help me out with a project I have on the go. My current programmer is becoming harder to get a hold of and not responding to my requests for weeks at a time and I want this project completed so I am now finding another to help me out.

Programmer to code a system that runs off ExpressionEngine that will enable the administrator of the site to set levels of users that have access to files dependent on their group. This means that if there are four types of files, the admin must be able to customize groups to have these files show up on the users within the groups control panel. They must only be able to access the files that are available to their groups as well.

For example, if the group "Basic Users" has access to the files under "Newsletters" They can only access the newsletters that are uploaded to that category. If the "Full Users" log in they can access all four groups on their Control panel.

If you can do this, please let me know what you would charge either through a PM here or hit me up on Skype.

Skype ID: Falrish
wordpress + plugin can do this i guess

EDIT1: just saw that you need it on EE :)
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I have a programmer currently helping me on this issue as we speak. It is starting to come together. Thank you everyone that displayed interest.
I'm a web developer and I own a web development company too, I added you on skype.