PC/iMac & Macbook/Ultrabook


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2019
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Hi everyone. I need your advice.

In 2016, i changed my phone, from good smartphone to Iphone 7. And it was... wow.
I mean, on Android after some time, everything goes slow. Not only my opinion. I think most of IP users can agree with me.

Now, I need (fast :P) buy a new computer, and (not that fast) an laptop.

First, let's go with computer example.
I am working from home for the last few years. On computer that have... 12 years old for now! :D I can't say it's bad, but now, i am getting angry every fckn time when I turning it on. Windows 10 on this PC? No no no boy! Extremely slow. Lags. Errors. I decided to delete & reset everything, install windows 7 and give it to my cousin. Will be happy, and for me it will be good also, because I need some more power and performance.

I am thinking about PC with:
  • Intel Core i5-9400F
  • Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • RAM:16 GB
and iMac with...:
  • 27"
  • MacOS Mojave
  • Intel Core i5-8500
  • Graphic Card: AMD Radeon Pro 570X
  • 8GB Ram
I know, I can buy additional RAM, it's not a problem. That's why I chose iMac with only 8GB.

I am doing a lot of stuff like:
10's opened tabs with: Shopify, Ahrefs, Wordpress, YouTube + editing videos (actually in Sony Vegas) + Photos (canva & Photoshop). And sometimes games like NBA 2k15 (lmao :D), GTA 4/5 and so on.

I would take a Mac just because of something new for me, but it's... 2x MORE EXPENSIVE. It's expensive as fck if we are looking in this category. And... it's not the best iMac.

Same thing with laptop, but not that important in December. Ultrabook/laptop with Windows vs Macbook Pro - for the same activities?

By the way: I have just no idea what to choose and why. Every device has good and bad opinions. People reviews are various.
Give me your choice and explain why would you take it.
Let's play a game :D Don't fight :D
Popcorn please!! This is gonna get wild. :D
My productivity got really improved since I started working with Mac computers.
My productivity got really improved since I started working with Mac computers.
Better performance? OS? more intuitive?
I am asking because i am working only online, and I am losing approx. Xx minutes daily on WAITING (lags, opening programs and so on)
I am asking because i am working only online, and I am losing approx. Xx minutes daily on WAITING (lags, opening programs and so on)
Are you using ssd, or hdd?
I transitioned from Windows to Apple probably 10 years ago and am so glad I did so. Everything is so much cleaner. I realize they are more expensive, but to me it is well worth it. I have an iMac and a MacBook pro, just ordered the new 16" one and should be here Tomorrow. If you're just working on it, I would suggest going with a MacBook Pro. Its everything the iMac is, plus having the ability to move around with it. I only use my MacBook now, never a desktop computer, its just more convenient being able to wake up and open my computer and jump right into the day.
Are you using ssd, or hdd?
It doesn’t matter because I promised my cousin so I won’t buy anything for this computer additionaly :D but Yes, only hdd. I am looking for New computer only with SSD’s. My actual have 12 years lmao
but Yes, only hdd. I am looking for New computer only with SSD’s. My actual have 12 years lmao
That's where the bottleneck is. End of story...

Edit: wait let me summerize... use ssd, and your life will change forever. Don't believe me? Try it out first.
Your computer will start to fail, and the MacBook never let me down, that’s the whole difference, I consider their operating system the best
As I said, i know where The problem is. Just need opinions about something New :D
Buy a pc with 16gb ram, i5 processor and 1tb ssd... Buy any brand.. doesn't matter.
Can't fault iMac or Iphones when it comes to hardware and this is coming from a Win10 kinda guy :D

Sick of my laptops constant hiccups from absolutely random boot failures to battery's overheating like they were designed by some jihadi in the middle east somewhere - it's not something worth the time or money dealing with down the line, just because you thought you'd be saving money.
Especially of you have serious work to do IMO
Macbook is better in each and every aspect, even it the version of the processor is older, it is faster than any ultrabook. The hardware material is also more reliable than other company's ultrabooks.
Any more opinions?
Yeah (does it have to come from a different member? Not sure...), buy a computer with 1 hz processor, 1 mb ram and 256mb mechanical drive. You will (not) thank me later.