Paypal fees


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Paypal ? One of the major Online Payment Processor is one of the most secure and easiest way to Transfer Payments or receive money from others. The only problem with the service is the high transaction fees which is levied on every single transaction be it 1$ or a million dollars transaction. We had previously published the Paypal Transaction Fees Rates which are charged on the payments you make or send to other parties. On an average this fees is around 3% which is quite hefty considering you are selling some products on a low profit margin.
In order to save some of these charges its recommended that you request the Payment sender to make payment using the masspay option because that way you would be charged only 2% fees with a maximum ceiling of 1$ per transaction. Lets say you work for someone as a freelancer and your online employee is paying you a monthly fees of 700 USD then the normal fees would be calculated as shown below :
Normal Mode : 700$ * 3.9% + $0.30 USD = 27.30$ + 0.30$ = 27.60$
Mass Pay Mode : 700$ * 2% = 14$ which is above max fees, final fees = 1$

This clearly shows that on every transaction you could be saving a huge amount of money and this is not any kind of trick or cheating option because Paypal officially allows this service to make sure that you can send payments in bulk to other parties regularly along with saving fees on the same. Paypal in this case does not charge the recipient but the sender of the payment with a maximum amount of 1$ in fees. Hence if you are willing to send 200$ to someone, you will have to make a payment of 201$ and the other party enjoy the money their receive without any fees cut.
To get started login to your Paypal account and then at the footer you will find a link called ?Mass Pay? ? which you need to click. Next click on the ?Make a Mass Payment!? link on the left side and proceed towards the task.

Do note that you can make a maximum amount of 5000 payments at one time. You will have to upload a Payment file which can be created in txt or CSV format. Its better to open Notepad and create the tab-delimited file. Next the data has to be saved in the file and it should be carefully entered. Here are more details on the same.

  • 1st Column : This should be filled with the recipients email address on which the Paypal account is registered and activated.
  • 2nd Column : You will have to enter the payment amount here which should be in numbers.
  • 3rd Column : Here you will have to enter the three-letter currency code for the type of payment you are going to send. If you send in US dollars ? USD, EUR for Euro, JPY for Japanese Yen, GBP for Pound Sterling etc
  • 4th Column : Here you will have to enter a unique note to identify each payment at the end of the year for records. This can be a place where you can just enter a short note which is less than 30 characters in total.
  • 5th Column : The last column allows you to enter a customized note for the payment which is shown to the recipient in the Payment Received email from Paypal.

May be it's old info, but i'm sure some people don't know about this function.
Yes I agree PayPal is making far too much, a small fortune from us! wtf! lol
I realize they have to make something too but god damn man with all the fuckin fees, Save all your transactions people to write them off at the end of the year.

Those fees add up and they add up QUICK!
Yes, they would qualify as a business expense since they are transactional in nature.
thanks, i listen it earlier but never thought that it will save fees, its really help full.
Can the payer use it to send just a single payment (single transaction)?
Any lower limit to use mass pay?