PayPal Alternative - It seems very good

I have a chat with them that is below:

chrisc: Hi there
chrisc: Unfortunately we can't accept payments from PayPal
chrisc: Or international payments

If some one can not accept paypal you cant say them as a good alternative to paypal. There are plenty of paypal users and you have to take payments from them. Just some one accepts some cards is not the full answer to paypal.

You can't go to "Orange" and tell them why don't you accept "AT&T" reload cards. There is too much risk for any payment processor to accept paypal. Plimus was charging 10% fees and holding your money for 45 days when they accepted paypal as you can scam them in a minute by withdrawing from them then opening dispute on paypal.

On the other side 2co holds 5% of your payments in "reserve" for 90 days to cover any possible loss from disputes.

There are alot of paypal alternatives. Way a lot moooreeee. But the thing is, nobody can't replace paypal as online payment system as in nobody can't replace google as the best search engine or as in nobody can't replace facebook as 1st social networking.

Myspcace was there before facebook becomes popular and anyone would have though no other site will compete with myspace but facebook came to change this.

The problem with payment processors is that you are tied to which your customers will prefer not which one you will prefer even if the customer's choice is way more expensive.

I prefer moneybookers much more than paypal but yet 99% of my customers pay with paypal so paypal must be always an option on your site.
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Screw Paypal -------

act as if honest sellers were suspect criminals....
The reason why i would go with wepay more than paypal is they will AT LEAST explain why the froze your funds. I had a guy get 35k frozen for 180 days the other day....i think its good to try other things in this new year of 2012.

also paypal is just big because of ebay and how they connected
lol jk, AlertPay sucks hard, they cant fix the MC/Visa/Check problem. Check their fb page... :) :(

Unfortunately that is correct. I used them for a while though and everything was smooth. When they fixed that problem it will be good again.