Pay Per Call & Youtube Ads - Need Help/Advice with Breaking Even


Registered Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Hi everybody,

I'm running insurance pay-per-call campaigns using Youtube ads. Unfortunately losing a lot of money at the moment.

All the people I know in the industry claim they are using extremely broad campaign settings, without any demographic or audience targeting at all. Basically, just targeting all the allowed geolocation without filtering traffic any further. The only targeting whatsoever is limiting ads to show exclusively on mobile devices.

According to those people, it's all about the ad creative. Even the landing pages are basic-borderline-ugly.

My experience with Google ads, both search and Youtube, thought me that proper targeting is typically a crucial part of a successful campaign. Not saying creatives are not (they are!) but I learned targeting is important because showing ads to irrelevant audiences equalled throwing money into the garbage for me. You can probably understand why I'm skeptical when it comes to this "no targeting, it's just the ads" approach.

So right now, I'm trying to follow a piece of advice that I don't really believe in. But I'm sort of giving it a chance since I am not as experienced in this industry as those who gave it to me. But with every day, I grow more impatient and I start thinking I'm being BSed into trying something that will just never work.

I wonder, is any of you running profitable Youtube ads + Pay-Per-Call campaigns? If so, can you confirm or deny whether the "no targeting, it's just the ads" approach really works best for you? And if you do target, I'll appreciate any pointers on what sort of targeting tends to work best for you.

I'm not looking to be spoonfed. Just want to stop losing money and hopefully, there's someone here who's willing to share a bit of their experience.

Not on youtube ads, but I am really running a very profitable pay per call campaign right now, but unfortunately my budget is vey very limited. 'ill wait to get payment and re-invest
Do you mind telling me more about how you approach audience targeting? Thank you!
to detect the best converting audience and ad copy you should do a split test for your campaign, let me give you an example from my camp:

I created 3 landing pages for my offer, every landing page has a different phone numbers

and created 3 campaigns(every camp with their landing page), every campaign targets a specified audience

and see which campaign converts better by run a report by numbers on your network

that's it, sorry for my bad english
Please follow the simple tips
Target people who are searching, Relevant keywords, Set $0 as Max. Cost per View, 0-25 characters Headline, Smooth quality video.
The Money is in the Data:

1. Run broad campaigns to gather data on people who are actually viewing or clicking your ads.
2. Look at the data for devices, state, age, gender
3. What ever data is consistent break it down into small campaigns with a small budget.

If it's health insurance check the age, if its life insurance check the age. Whatever ages show the most volume, target the minimum age to max. Going broad allows use to see who is really interested in your ad.

Make sure your landing page has the click to call offer. Ad text beneath the fold about the benefits of the offer.
Make sure you settings are for United States, People In My Area.

However, some industries like insurance or finance have limited targeting options due to discrimination practices. I ran payday pay per call back in the day and went broad, then used the data to advertise to states with the highest payouts.

You should try regular search, before your budget runs out.