Pay Anonymously Through Paypal


Oct 25, 2011
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Gentlemen and women:

I have a US-verified, years-old Paypal with a CC attached, and a 0$ balance.

I want to use this to pay a seller selling me web services.

I don't want him to know my name.

How to pay using this credit card, with or without Paypal?

You can upgrade the account to business... then add an additional contact to the account and make it a fake name.

Pay using that login and it will show a business name... and for contact person it will show the fake name.
You could do what the above poster said or pay with bitcoins which is truly anonymous :P
lol but bitcoins isnt a real currency, and you dont get usd back
lol but bitcoins isnt a real currency, and you dont get usd back

Yeah dude for sure. While I have no doubt the creators are some very smart dudes, they don't understand basic economics. A currency that is not backed by hard assets is unsustainable. When you are receiving "nothing," i.e., bits of data, that's what you get -- nothing. And bits of data are inherently worthless. To any BHWers, I *strongly* advise you sell your BitCoins, as soon as you break even on them.

Or: US Dollar vs. Gold
Yeah dude for sure. While I have no doubt the creators are some very smart dudes, they don't understand basic economics. A currency that is not backed by hard assets is unsustainable. When you are receiving "nothing," i.e., bits of data, that's what you get -- nothing. And bits of data are inherently worthless. To any BHWers, I *strongly* advise you sell your BitCoins, as soon as you break even on them.

Or: US Dollar vs. Gold

So... You're saying that like USD would be backed up 100%. Every year millions USD are printed, you think they add more gold to reserve to back up the new prints?
There is a new start-up that does this payment thing. They are called: payondelivery (google them up to check out their website). I bet you can send them an email to ask them to set something like this up for you.
What's he going to do, Facebook stalk you :rolleyes:
Yeah dude for sure. While I have no doubt the creators are some very smart dudes, they don't understand basic economics. A currency that is not backed by hard assets is unsustainable. When you are receiving "nothing," i.e., bits of data, that's what you get -- nothing. And bits of data are inherently worthless. To any BHWers, I *strongly* advise you sell your BitCoins, as soon as you break even on them.

Or: US Dollar vs. Gold

I believe its you who dont understand basic economics. If tomorrow the entire planet will decide that gold is worthless, it will be worthless along with USD.

Currency is everything we consider of value. If its limited (like bitcoins & gold) the inflation wouldn't be a major issue on the long term. If its not limited, like USD (which is getting printed constantly) the inflation will strike back soon enough. Remember, once you could buy pretty much for $1?
paypal upgrade own privacy policy effect on 24th December 2011
So... You're saying that like USD would be backed up 100%. Every year millions USD are printed, you think they add more gold to reserve to back up the new prints?

I'm not sure where you got that, but no, I'm saying the opposite. Since USD is a fiat currency, it's essentially backed by nothing. There is a reason a nickel used to buy a lot 70 years ago, and buys nothing now. It's called inflation and it occurs because of the excessive printing of money.

Also, I think you're making a side point which is also inaccurate. That there needs to be "more" gold for "more money." You're not understanding what money is, which is a medium of exchange, and also something with intrinsic value.

Gold is now $2000/ounce, when it was $38 just 40 years ago. But very little changed with gold's actual supply. It's the dollar that has depreciated.

Or: Tobacco in colonial Virginia, shells and teeth in Native American tribes, sugar in the West Indies.

Or: Economic laws that have existed for the last several thousand years, still exist.
I believe its you who dont understand basic economics. If tomorrow the entire planet will decide that gold is worthless, it will be worthless along with USD.

Currency is everything we consider of value. If its limited (like bitcoins & gold) the inflation wouldn't be a major issue on the long term. If its not limited, like USD (which is getting printed constantly) the inflation will strike back soon enough. Remember, once you could buy pretty much for $1?

I'll be honest lancis, sounds to me like someone needs to sell their BitCoin :)

And we can go back and forth and say "no it's you who doesn't understand basic economics," but laws that have been in place for millennia don't change. English words do change, but not on a daily basis.

currency |ˈkərənsē; ˈkə-rənsē|
noun ( pl. -cies)
1 a system of money in general use in a particular country : the dollar was a strong currency | travelers checks in foreign currency | figurative he was rich in the currency of love.

If you can pick out "everything we consider of value" from that, then I believe you sir, are the most... creative... individual on this board.

BitCoins have no value. They are binary 0s and 1s. BitCoin only works in theory, because everyone is accepting it. For now. You cannot go to a farmer's market and trade BitCoins for food when you're hungry. You can't give them on a USB stick to a man playing a violin and expect to hear his music. If you get anything from my post, it's this:

There is no intrinsic value in BitCoins, and that is why they are worthless.

When the domino effect begins, it will implode. No sellers will accept it, and the effect will ripple exponentially. People will be like "but... but... I'm so smart and so technically savvy... I got into this BitCoin stuff, and now I've got these 1s and 0s that are encrypted with super international spy technology and.. and... errr.. FAAAAAA**!!!"

Mark my words, yes, it will really go down like that. USD is stable for the time being because it is backed by the US government, and the general public doesn't believe a behemoth like that can fail (it can). But you're already seeing it, aren't you? Massive trends toward an underground economy, people starting to use hard assets to trade. The demand for gold, silver, and other hard assets now is skyrocketing. Why? Because most people are feeling the effects of the collapsing economy, and on some level, even if they can't articulate it perfectly, are thinking, "If I wake up tomorrow, go to my local, friendly branch, and see a bunch of digital numbers in my account that are not the digital numbers that were there last time, I am ROYALLY F***ED."

A few years ago people started minting Ron Paul gold coins and the government raided them. Counterfeiting money was the first death sentence in our US Constitution, btw, because the founders knew how important control of the money supply was. RAIDING US CITIZENS -- FOR GOLD!! Why? Competition. In a free market, no one in their right mind would even think about using worthless US Dollars to trade, but we're forced to by the government. So it works, for now, because the government is propping it up, and on shaky legs it stands, shaky legs indeed.

Or: if I give you $100K, and 3 choices: 1-Cash in a bank, 2-Cash under your mattress, or 3-Gold, which do you choose, and why?

If you bought into the BitCoin bit, read Murray Rothbard's classic "What Has the Government Done With Our Money?", and cash out before the system crashes. You can find free PDFs online through Mises.
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I have fooled around a bit with paypal, and i noticed that if the name is not spelled exactly the way it is on your credit card, the payment will still go through as long as the other information is correct such as address and especially zip code.

But since you already created the paypal account, i would create a new 'stealth' paypal account and send a payment as a gift or service to the new paypal and use that paypal to pay for your services.

I dont blame you for not wanting them to use your real name, and i always encourage others to hide there name online. I too dont like people online knowing my name. I always use a fake name(pen name) or a variation of a name that is similar to my name in everything i do online to be on the safe side
Yeah dude for sure. While I have no doubt the creators are some very smart dudes, they don't understand basic economics. A currency that is not backed by hard assets is unsustainable. When you are receiving "nothing," i.e., bits of data, that's what you get -- nothing. And bits of data are inherently worthless. To any BHWers, I *strongly* advise you sell your BitCoins, as soon as you break even on them.

Or: US Dollar vs. Gold

The dollar is no longer backed by gold. I think Nixon took care of that back in 1971. Anyway the dollar is fiat money and is not worth the paper it is printed on.
The dollar is no longer backed by gold. I think Nixon took care of that back in 1971. Anyway the dollar is fiat money and is not worth the paper it is printed on.

We're saying the same thing -- gotta read the rest of the posts :P
I have fooled around a bit with paypal, and i noticed that if the name is not spelled exactly the way it is on your credit card, the payment will still go through as long as the other information is correct such as address and especially zip code.

But since you already created the paypal account, i would create a new 'stealth' paypal account and send a payment as a gift or service to the new paypal and use that paypal to pay for your services.

I dont blame you for not wanting them to use your real name, and i always encourage others to hide there name online. I too dont like people online knowing my name. I always use a fake name(pen name) or a variation of a name that is similar to my name in everything i do online to be on the safe side

Problem is any time I've done that, it gets limited immediately. What's the trick to doing this? I set up Stealth Account A, and used all legit-looking USA info. I sent it $200. I tried to pay someone $175 from it... got limited immediately.
Problem is any time I've done that, it gets limited immediately. What's the trick to doing this? I set up Stealth Account A, and used all legit-looking USA info. I sent it $200. I tried to pay someone $175 from it... got limited immediately.
It sounds like PP is linking the two accounts to each other. In creating the new account, it has to have a different IP from the old account, you need to clear the pp browser cookies and the flash cookies. You cant log into pp with the same cookies or IP's of the other pp account every
anonym0use said:
I'll be honest lancis, sounds to me like someone needs to sell their BitCoin :)

I will be honest as well. I don't use bitcoins... yet. :-)

anonym0use said:
BitCoins have no value. They are binary 0s and 1s. BitCoin only works in theory, because everyone is accepting it. For now. You cannot go to a farmer's market and trade BitCoins for food when you're hungry. You can't give them on a USB stick to a man playing a violin and expect to hear his music. If you get anything from my post, it's this:

There is no intrinsic value in BitCoins, and that is why they are worthless.

There were times when you couldn't go to the shop and pay with your Credit Card. Technology will always be behind ideas.

The technology didn't catch up with bitcoins yet. General population didn't catch up yet with bitcoins. However, as long as people believe that bitcoin holds a value - it will continue to be just that - currency, i.e. a medium of exchange. One day it might loose its value, or become wide-spread. And as it stands now nobody can predict its fate with 100% accuracy.

So selling it now might be the wisest thing on your behalf, or the stupidest thing, depends how things turn out.

anonym0use said:
Or: if I give you $100K, and 3 choices: 1-Cash in a bank, 2-Cash under your mattress, or 3-Gold, which do you choose, and why?

I will go for bitcoins if you don't mind.
There were times when you couldn't go to the shop and pay with your Credit Card. Technology will always be behind ideas.

Yes, and look how well credit cards turned out. I left the US a few years ago, and it may surprise you to learn that much of the rest of the world does not use credit cards. The stereotypical "fat American" is not just the sad state of affairs of our health, it's also our attitude, that we can borrow and consume like some sort of Gollum/Jabba the Hut crack addict, and face no consequences. This is unsustainable, both for governments, and for individuals, as the (worsening) economic depression of the last couple years has shown us.


However, this is not the point you're arguing. You're saying that the technology hasn't "caught up." If you're a fan of world government and a hegemonic power of the world money supply -- if you're religious, one world government is a precursor to the end of the world in the Bible -- then your argument has merit. However, I'm arguing from the ideological assumption that freedom is something desirable, and one world government is pure evil, something no free people will ever accept without fighting to the death in resistance, and, frankly, one of the scariest situations I've ever considered.

As you said, BitCoins can work, but if, and ONLY if, the populace is forced to accept them, not unlike the inherently worthless dollars we're forced at gunpoint to use now (see: government raids on gold coin minters).

And as it stands now nobody can predict its fate with 100% accuracy.

False. Just as free market economists predicted the collapse of the housing bubble, and the economic collapse we've been sliding further and further into, years in advance, BitCoin's worthlessness is backed by thousands of years of economic law. Again, the only exception would be one world government, which I would hope no free human being on this board would do any less than resist until their last breath, since it goes against everything I've seen here -- desire for privacy, anonymity, freedom from government oppression, anti-draconian tax laws, personal property rights, and so forth.

I will go for bitcoins if you don't mind.

Take my advice or leave it, I have no malicious intentions.
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