
Junior Member
Dec 5, 2023
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Those of us who have to go through something, fight through something, understand the value of what we earn much more than someone who has it 'inherited' or 'given' to them. When you value something, you fight harder to keep it.

It gives you unique perspective and empathy. You can relate with more people, offer value to more people, and empower more people.

Pressure forges diamonds. Every bit of pain you go through makes you stronger. GROW THROUGH PAIN. When adversity strikes, you can handle it, you've been through it already

You're not afraid of pain. You'll take the risks that may cause pain, but the rewards are ONLY available for those not afraid!

You believe in yourself, your abilities, and your potential, to be much higher than what others will believe. The vision, with no fear of pain, is clear.

No pain. No gain. Don't just 'go' through it. GROW through it.

Those of us that have endured some of the worst of what this world has to offer, and came through on the other side, know that there's a level of 'self belief' that no one can take away.
Pressure forges diamonds. Every bit of pain you go through makes you stronger. GROW THROUGH PAIN. When adversity strikes, you can handle it, you've been through it already
Generalization. Break your neck, you're dead. Next time try to write keeping in mind exceptions using words like "in general".

Go through too much pointless pain, you'll get depressed and if you handle improperly, possibly go to prison or die.

You have to understand comfort zone. Don't push into danger zone too much. Just do some work and work then work.

Don't do too hard work, especially for an employer that doesn't pay well. You'll just harm yourself.
That'd cause bad stress and make you feel like you're going crazy.

Generalization. Break your neck, you're dead. Next time try to write keeping in mind exceptions using words like "in general".

Go through too much pointless pain, you'll get depressed and if you handle improperly, possibly go to prison or die.

You have to understand comfort zone. Don't push into danger zone too much. Just do some work and work then work.

Don't do too hard work, especially for an employer that doesn't pay well. You'll just harm yourself.
That'd cause bad stress and make you feel like you're going crazy.


Don’t push too hard, And don’t laid back too much

Don’t work hard, WORK SMARTER

Looking at my parents suffer and barely able to provide, made me come to BHW

No complains No excuse

No matter what happens to me and my family I’ll always FOCUS and never GIVE UP


Looking at my parents suffer Andy barely able to provide made me come to BHW

No complains No excuse

No matter what happens to me and my family I’ll always FOCUS Andy never GIVE UP
I understand you want to say you want to have comfort unlike pain in the past.

Normal stuff!

I like to build habits and have long term plan instead of just motivation.

Motivation is cool to feel "high" and work longer hours sometimes. But doesn't go as far as discipline.

Motivation is like emotion and having too much of it, you'll feel burned.
I understand you want to say you want to have comfort unlike pain in the past.

Normal stuff!

I like to build habits and have long term plan instead of just motivation.

Motivation is cool to feel "high" and work longer hours sometimes. But doesn't go as far as discipline.

Motivation is like emotion and having too much of it, you'll feel burned.
When i said pain is my motivation, I didn’t mean i never had discipline.
Of course bro motivation comes and go BUT DISCIPLINE keeps you focus, determined and never give up
This conversation reminds me of a scene from Lawrence of Arabia that was highlighted in the movie Prometheus.

  • [Lawrence has just extinguished a match between his thumb and forefinger. William Potter surreptitiously attempts the same]

    William Potter : Ooh! It damn well 'urts!

    T.E. Lawrence : Certainly it hurts.

    Officer : What's the trick then?

    T.E. Lawrence : The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.