Opinions needed about two articles


Power Member
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score

I ordered two articles on freelance platform and I would like to have your opinions about this article. English isn't my mother tongue, so I can't know if it's well written or no. It's about sushi.

So what does it take to prepare a good sushi rice? Ingredients, technique and equipment.

First of all, if you do not have a rice cooker, this is the time to invest. In many recipes you'll find rice cooking methods when you first boil and then let simmer to finally end up with a not cooked rice or overcooked, burned and see !What hair pulling and be very disappointed with the first failed attempts.

With a rice cooker there is no problem, we dose is started cooking, it stops all alone, and during this time it is dedicated to cutting fish, peace of mind, and assured of 'Always have a perfectly cooked rice.
So what are the ingredients and their quantities?

For 4-5 people:

- 500 g of Japanese round rice
- 70 g rice vinegar
- 53 g of powdered sugar
- 820 g of water

Simply put I put all quantities in grams, simply balance, no need to juggle doses spoon more or less fair and accurate. You can find more recipes with a few drops of Mirin or kombu (seaweed). First do not complicate your life with these ingredients not always easy to find and keep fresh when it has. 4 ingredients I use are not obsolete.

Washing the rice.

The first step may seem simple and yet it is essential.
This action aims to maximize the availability of rice starch in the grain surface not find it during cooking. Without this step you will have a sticky rice unworkable.
This is often a mistake from beginner to wash rice sufficiently, there is no risk to wash too, he always stick enough to train your rice balls.

Without obtaining a transparent wash water should be sought not having opaque wash water.
This short video will give you an idea of ​​what to get and time to spare. Watch the transparency of the water at the beginning and the end.

Cooking rice

At the risk of repeating myself: Invest in a pressure cooker. It's just the price of a Japanese restaurant.

Nothing to say special, the most important was made to wash rice. For raw rice 500g to 820 ml / g water.

The rice seasoning

Another milestone: the seasoning.
There are several schools, you will find several recipes, more or less sweet. Here is the recipe I use.

Still for raw rice 500g:
- About 73 grams of rice vinegar
- Approximately 54 g sugar
- 6 grams of salt, or less, 3 or 4 g also do the trick

Thanks for your opinions.

P.S. : you can use, rewrite or take this article. I bought it to see if the writer is worth something. I don't plan to use it.
English is not my first language either, but by reading through this article I noticed like 6 or 7 mistakes already. Bad sentences, some of them don't even make sense.

Looks like a Google Translate or badly spun article.

If you want quality, don't even think about hiring this writer.
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I read your article and even this don't make my sense at all. I think it has done by google spinner or by a bad boot.
Nice and well organized article. This article writter is good for my. How much did he charge for this article
It's terrible.

It makes no sense and is clearly spun - badly spun too.
What Trepanated said. I wouldn't be happy with that. How much did it cost you?
From the very first two or three sentences, it should like you've gotten a non-native writer. Some of the wording is off. How much did you pay for it? Depending on price, you may have gotten what you paid for.
"It makes no sense and is clearly spun - badly spun too."

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure.


(And no, I won't say where I bought this article: don't want to promote the "writer", even if it was cheap).

edit: I thought of one thing: could this article be used as an article for Google crawlers ? An article which isn't read by humans, but by bots ?

What do you think ?
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How much the person charged you for this article. I write way better articles for very cheap price. You can check marketplace if you want quality articles
The introduction is poor.
The article's topic is unclear.
At one time he is talking about the cooking and other the ingredients.
The article is written by a non-mature writer.
The keywords are not good enough and not repeated like Google expects.

A good intro would be like this

"Sushi is a type of food that is not only popular in Japan but also is enjoyed around the world as an exquisite food. With many ways to cook and prepare a person can get confused with the variety of ingredients and preparation method............................................................................"

That is how to write an intro.;)
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