Hello everyone, recently opened an amazon seller acct and got ungated in Neutragena just to see how everything works. I sold the item trough Amazon FBA and everything seems really legit.
I have been doing a lot of research on reverse sourcing (Storefront Stalking) with Seller AMP and Keepa software and it is harder than i tought to find profitable items.
Just wanna see maybe someone has more experience than me and maybe can point me to the right direction. I started about a month ago.
Plerase share what you know
I have been doing a lot of research on reverse sourcing (Storefront Stalking) with Seller AMP and Keepa software and it is harder than i tought to find profitable items.
Just wanna see maybe someone has more experience than me and maybe can point me to the right direction. I started about a month ago.
Plerase share what you know