Hi Im not sure if this post should be in other section so please move it if so
So my question is does anybody know a Omegle bot that can run 24/7 with like 50-100 threads spamming messages, ive seen alot of bots and i made one with js but the chrome should be open at all times and its just not the best and i was wondering if there is an app or smth.
(note: there is an unofficial omegle api for python which i tried implementing into spamming with 5-10 threads but it detected me fast and just stopped the connection to the servers so i guess if there is any way to use proxies too)
So my question is does anybody know a Omegle bot that can run 24/7 with like 50-100 threads spamming messages, ive seen alot of bots and i made one with js but the chrome should be open at all times and its just not the best and i was wondering if there is an app or smth.
(note: there is an unofficial omegle api for python which i tried implementing into spamming with 5-10 threads but it detected me fast and just stopped the connection to the servers so i guess if there is any way to use proxies too)