offline marketing Journal. CPA


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I work in a grocery store, and I've grabbed an ample amount of cardboard, and some computer paper so that I can just make my own makeshift cardboard signs and stuff. I'm thinking maybe of putting suran wrap around the sign once it's done to withstand the weather (it snows here) but I don't know how long they'll stay up anyway, so I might not, just an option I'm considering.

I'm doing CPA, and I live in a very high unemployment rate city, so I'm thinking a job offer, biz opp, or something along those lines will do quite nicely, I'll most likely try a few different ones, I may even try a grocery coupon offer, who knows.....

I'm thinking it'd be good if I had a phone number they could call so that they can just hear a pre-recorded message saying go to my site for blah blah blah...I dunno what these cost yet, or if there's a way to get a free one (if anyone knows, please enlighten me and others, cuz that'd be the cats ass meow.

I'm gonna try a few ground signs, and a few signs I'm gonna put up onto some light posts...I'm thinking maybe, just maybe of putting a sign or two on the front of a building that's out of business, or on a house that no one lives in. I dunno if there's any rammifications for doing such a thing, but I'm not very worried about someone finding a sign, I'd assume most would just throw it away, and I'll be using a domain (I know, it's unfortunate, but I just grabbed some domain names for a few other things I've had going on, and I don't wanna grab another one just yet until I see some results, even tho obviously conversions would be higher I'm sure with a .com) Hell, if I can even get a nice tin y I might do something along those lines.

Anyone ever thought of putting up a billboard on top of another billboard? lol. I wouldn't wanna get caught doing that, but then again, I'm purdy crazy.

Anyway, that's about it, I'm off to find some offers that I think will rock, and I'll see you on the highway.
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You can get a free phone number with voicemail from google, just sign up for an email, its called google voice.
I would suggest the Google voice also. that's what i'm doing now for my business and it works great. one point to be made about it is that your able to normally get a number that has a local zip code which will help target your city and add validity to you ad instead of some "1-800" number.
hmmm, I actually have google voice, I didn't know you could receive calls, only thought you could call out from the google voice. Gonna take a look into setting this up then, for sure!