Obtain inactive usernames


Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
A buddy of mine told me that there are people that know how to obtain usernames that have been inactive for over a year. And I've seen it happen too! Anyone know someone who does this service? Either message me or leave a post here. Thanks!
Username in what? Twitter? For Twitter it is impossible to get inactive usernames at the moment..
abt twitter you can use Karma u can check ur following unactive or active and can check last activity when they made
Sorry, yes I meant Twitter. And yes it is possible, I've seen people get it done before for big time names that have been taken, but are inactive.
Sorry, yes I meant Twitter. And yes it is possible, I've seen people get it done before for big time names that have been taken, but are inactive.
Must be expensive or a lot of people would be taking advantage of this.