Nulling a script...


Sep 22, 2015
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Would someone be kind enough to point me to some instructions for nulling php scripts?

Thank you for your consideration,
I wondered the same thing a while back and I decided to ask how to do this and that at a variety of well known PHP forums. I received a lot of help and even received the scripts that I requested to be nulled there, most of the reputable members there are quite helpful. For anything else, you could consider hiring a freelancer to do that hard work or try to rip it down until you get it right, which at most times doesn't complete it.
Well... I have non nulled version of WP ClickBank Store script. I just need to figure out how to null it. It want's an Activation Code :)

If you were willing to PM me with the sites you are referring to, that would be great.

Time for bed now. I'll check this for reply's tomorrow AM.

Thank you,
just share your files in zip... hope someone from this forum will help you..
Share the files I'll check it out. Every script can be different there isn't one way to do it.
Just download the nulled version of it, no point doing it yourself.
Go through the code and find the function that is checking the license, it may connect to a server, you have to remove these part