nowBLOGG reopened for free blogs with more features


Regular Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Hello bhw,
many of you will be upset with me about nowBLOGG and how I promised to keep it ad free for as long as I could. I still plan on keeping it ad free for the blog members who signed up and with whose support nowBLOGG became what it is. But now the expenses are becoming unbearable. it is costing us 600 dollars per month for the 3 dedicated servers I have gotten for the service. I am not able to support it since I am making only 2 to 3 dollars per day from the ads.

and I do not want to see nowBLOGG go down like any other service which was similar in a manner. So I decided to make it into a business which I am going to be launching soon.

Where no more free blogs can be registered soon.
only the existing ones will be able to stay! which would be a thanks from me to you to help nowBLOGG get its start.

from there I am going to start charging monthly subscriptions for on per blog basis. Where you will have to pay to get the blogs.
so you choose the number of blogs you want and then you pick the plan on if you want to pay on a monthly, quaterly or yearly base.

and as you might have noticed that nowblogg has been going under construction. I am happy to say we are almost completed with our development.

we are allowing free blog creation this week, so you can create 20 free blogs per account. any blogs created this week will stay free

now I do ask for consideration from you guys
I tried to offer you guys a great service and you have done nothing to support the service but try and make money from it, I had to call in a few investors to help me pay the bills and now they are demanding a return.

and one more thing to try and benefit you guys once again I am launching an affilate section so you could get money from nowblogg from more than one way

And the main reason for this thread to let you guys create as many blogs are you can right now before it goes premium only! And I repeat you will be able to keep those blogs

@ geteasymoneynow
I for one really appreciate your honesty in dealing with this issue.
The problems with others in BHW who also tried to launch similar services
was indeed the cost involved, both in time and dollars....
and eventually gave up their service.

IMHO you will still succeed in your quest, but only if more members in this forum support you, however I can also forsee a situation arising in that the membership of nowblogg could grow exponentially, therefore putting more starian on your servers, support etc....

My recommendation to other members is that they join up and monestise it, and (although you have not insisted on a revenue share), new members should really help support it financially, so that the service continues, without any cash flow issues.
More like a community blog type thing whereby, if everyone "gives back" a part or a share of their profits, then it will help sustain the entire system.

Loyalty is required. A little effort is required. Lets get it to work.
Good Luck

By the way... to all those who are reading this for the first time, leave your scepticism behind, and jump on board.
Thanks I do appreciate some understanding
I have put to much time and money into nowBLOGG to see it just fail. I want to see it survive but for that I need all of your help as it will benefit you guys.

those who sign up as an affiliate and promote the premium membership will end up making money as well as keeping the free blogs alive!
anyway I forgot to mention if you want to become an affiliate you should sign up with just a username, and not a blog on the sign up!

there you will get added to the main blog's database from which you will be able to go to the affiliate section!
@geteasymoneynow , we should introduce a donation feature to current and oncoming free users where they can donate a part of their earnings back to the community. i'm one of the partners in this and i have to say that our cost is balloning while our revenue is still the same.

i don't deny that many who worked on nowblogg before and currently have made us become so successful (in terms of popularity) but the sad truth is, we arent' able to keep up with our costs. so as mentioned we will be introducing our premium service where new & existing members can signup for more features,support and functionality for your blogs. It already was in development months ago and we are delaying so that we can make it the best for our users and ourselves. so if you felt we have benefited you, don't be stingy , give a donation or two or upgrade your blogs to premium as a way of saying thanks to our efforts and give yourselves more profits and sustain the network. help us to help you
yes exactly like eatingmemory said
it takes a lot of time and resources!

and I do not want to end up selling this network away
but if driven to, I might need to end up doing that!