Norton Anti-Virus----2015 ???


Regular Member
Feb 6, 2013
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Hi Friends,

I've been using Norton 360 for the past year...and have been VERY HAPPY with the results. N stopped numerous viruses from Demolishing my computer plus i can scan anything i download before i play it. Its been a great program.

Last year i paid $39 bucks for it...and loaded it to 2 machines. Symantec is a very professionally run company and have had no problems with them, (on and off) over the years. Norton is an International company and they get wind of all the new viruses overseas, and spread the word quickly.

HOWEVER, they have discontinued Norton 360, AND my renewal subscription is coming due. The Newest product they are pushing is going for $90 (MOFO'S) ! I'm not paying $ maybe its time to switch (unless i can find it cheaper from somewhere else)

What's the scoop....what are you guys using and Why?

Norton? *laugh* Never! Their products are bloatware.

Windows 7 - Security Essentials
Windows 8 - Windows Defender

Add good ol' Malwarebytes and you're good.
Thanks Man...i have found them to be Fast and efficient BUT, i'm open to new products.

This company here...rated AVG the Best.

Here's the Link


Norton? *laugh* Never! Their products are bloatware.

Windows 7 - Security Essentials
Windows 8 - Windows Defender

Add good ol' Malwarebytes and you're good.
If you can, switch to linux and then you wont have to worry about virus protection.
Don't use Norton Anti-Virus...Norton was good back in the year 2000 when it was the only big product on the market, and you didn't do Internet Marketing.

Don't use AVG or McAfee either, both of those companies had there shit all messed up a couple years ago and ended up infecting millions of users themselves.

Don't go by any reviews on Anti-Viruses online...the write-ups is 90% of the time just written for the sole purpose of pushing a particular product.

Look at real experienced users opinions on forums, not website articles that have a vested interest.

I personally use AVAST and love it.

That accompanied by a MalwareBytes Pro Membership and you are as good as gold.
Everyone talks about Norton like its crap or something, is it the best? Probably not but it will get the job done for 99.99% of internet users.

You can get all these software free on torrent site.

I got my norton about 1 year ago from piratebay and all I have to do is press 1 button and my subscription resets back to 180 days.
Maybe try kaspersky made by Russians. They are pretty good at creating viruses so probably they do know how to fight them ;)
LOL....Holy F##k!

You downloaded a Tor program...Norton and you haven't gotten a virus?

Must be lucky. Everytime i download a "computer program" i get a DEADLY VIRUS and have to reformat my F##KN hard drive.

Did you get Malware Bytes Pro for free too?

Everyone talks about Norton like its crap or something, is it the best? Probably not but it will get the job done for 99.99% of internet users.

You can get all these software free on torrent site.

I got my norton about 1 year ago from piratebay and all I have to do is press 1 button and my subscription resets back to 180 days.
Don't use norton, it's a piece of shit.

The best paid AV is kaspersky, with free ones you have options.

I was a VIP on the harro's PPI forum and I can assure you that kaspersky is the best choice. The tests you see in the magazines and on the websites are worthless.
Don't use norton, it's a piece of shit. The best paid AV is kaspersky, with free ones you have options.
I was a VIP on the harro's PPI forum and I can assure you that kaspersky is the best choice. The tests you see in the magazines and on the websites are worthless.

...i've heard nothing but good things about kaspersky. BUT, i've ALSO heard that they don't give support???? And...the MOFO's are the MOST EXPENSIVE AV on the market. I would think that asking for $70+ for AV software would enable the company to provide phone support if have an issue---
----wouldn't you agree?

With Norton, one phone call, and you got a voice who's familiar with virus removal, etc.
BTW, norton is NOT A POS.
It can be a hog on a LOW POWERED machine, but its never let me down. Just make sure you're running at least a quad core with 16 Ram.

thanks for your input though...
I am cross with all of them be honest yes i have used them all ,

avast is the free talking one i keep on the task bar but on a regular i use.
spyhunter,hitman pro,adwhere removal still get the omega crap and iseach browser prob.

Symantec is a company that supply the info for Microsoft to get the virus and sort them out clean.

Symantec is used on nearly every virus protection program a fact so because well known old Microsoft name get the sales only on branding and sell there product so much unreal.

in the really early days of linux was one of bill gates fun, unfortuntly he gave it up and left it hanging as a gpl to all , but then made Microsoft = money that it he rules know.
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LOL....Holy F##k!

You downloaded a Tor program...Norton and you haven't gotten a virus?

Must be lucky. Every time i download a "computer program" i get a DEADLY VIRUS and have to reformat my F##KN hard drive.

Did you get Malware Bytes Pro for free too?

I suppose you used the fake "download" buttons on the site which is the wrong way to download torrents.

Download vuze, get the url of the torrent you want to download, paste the url into vuze and it will download the file.

NEVER use the download buttons on torrent sites!
Linux is the best way to go, but you can still get infected on linux. But the chances for getting infected on a linux are 1%.
I was using Norton 2 years ago but then later I started using Quick Heal.
That's more effective., :)
I would try to stay away from Norton as much as possible. Bitdefender is a good AV that runs in the background even while you're gaming. Doesn't lag me at all.
I would recommend the premium edition of AVG. Serves its purpose massively!