Noob question here !


Regular Member
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
i purchase my first domain in january for amazon niche reviews and i notice about 3-5 uv a day. Yesterday's traffic was 16 visits Traffic this month 175 Visits . Top countries: Pakistan , United States, Great Britain.
Why do i get traffic since my domain its empty(just a wordpress theme) no articles no nothing and my domain its new not an expired one. TY and sorry for my bad english !
if its a good name people might be randomly typing it. for example if some one was looking for something they might try a related domain name before goggling it. so your looking for an answer you might have tried before googling " i need answers" so if you have a good domain name some one out there in the billions of people will type it. so it could be that or its counting you as traffic
TY a lot , my domain name its relevant to my niche so i think u are right !