Noob needs help- Payment methods on a website.


Oct 11, 2011
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Hey guys,

My clients who are starting a fitness challenge are wanting to process the payment methods online. I have no idea where to start or even what plug-in's to use. They want these types of payment methods:

PAYMENT METHODS: Ezipay, Paypal, Direct Deposit and Bank Transfer
COST: $700 for the full 12 week challenge
OPTIONS: Participants can secure their place on the challenge with a $50 deposit (along with their online registration form)
Participants can pay in FULL payment of $700 (with no deposit) or choose to pay in 2 INSTALLMENTS of $350 (with no deposit)

I have told them that I think they are better off advertising on the website but doing the payment face to face either with EFPOS or cheque. But they are insistent on using the website and not doing the transactions in person ( I suspect this is because of a low cash flow).

I know this is sounds really noobish to a lot of people on here but my experience is in cpa, affliate and adsense not in creating an ecommerce business. If anyone has any advice to offer I would greatly appreciate it.
Check out volusion, it should be able to do all of that. If not check out 2checkout
Send me a PM or add me on Skype and we'll work this out.
At the suggestion of accelelator I checked out volusion. It looks good but I am not 100% certain it is what I need.

Also artizhay and linkmaster my post count it not enough to PM you guys as much as I really want to....maybe I can just spam the hell out of other threads to get to the post count but I would rather offer real advice than just mindlessly spamming.
Thanks artiz. I'll email you asap but I wont be able to respond until a couple of days have passed. I'll be going into hospital for a while but I should be able to reply in a day or two hopefully