"No User Found" When i search my page?

Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Yesterday i noticed that when i search one of my accounts it simply says "No user found" Which is pretty bad since i'm suggested by Instagram and usually gain X.XXX followers from them per day, just by being featured.

Does anyone know what's going on & how i could solve this issue?
Is your fanpage county specific?
I have noticed that some fanpages can't be reach from specific counties.
Probably you have tweak the fanpage settings and can't log in with you country IP
Solved it!
Incase anyone runs into the same issue as me, here is the solution:

Go to your biography, remove any phase that looks like this "Get a free...Get free...Sexy...Download...Buy..." And boom it works.
So they're using some kind of account "limitation" instead of banning them?