Niche research advice / will it lead?


Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score

Im new in the CPA/PPD game.

What I know :

-How to build a good Website
-Keyword Research
-Onpage SEO
-Offpage SEO ala Whitehat & Blackhat with SEnuke
-Building OK Landing Pages
-Building Fake applications with visual basics
-creating Videos for the proof
-Basic photoshop stuff

So far the thing I lack the most is finding a good niche and I hope you guys might have some advice for me.

My niche research for the moment looks like this:

-google hot trends & similar sites
-youtube trends
-spy on competition searching on youtube for "free download" +filter last month +views
-think about everything people that is usally not free or not legal(cheats, hacks, point generator)
-Other stuff people want for free, only things I know is money, coupons, raffles
-write possible niches down, check for subniches

-Check monthly search volume for main niche keywords
-Check monthly search volume for sub niche keywords
-Spy on competition & check if I could take their rank in google

With this methods I struggle to find a good niche, and at the very rar moments I find a possible niche...

I always ask myself, WILL IT LEAD?
The answer to this mighty question is most of the times not really or NO because I dont think that people will actually fill out a survey.
I might overestimate the intelligence of the target audience, or just simply overthink.

Sorry for the long post, any help would be appreciated!

Greetz! :)
Go pay for niche research and utilize the skills you have obtained without worrying about picking something you know nothing about.

I'm sure if you paid enough you could hire a person who would take your interests into consideration and easily match a niche to your personality and enable you to look forward to coming back to the root domain on a daily basis.
After days of brainstorming I finally found my way to get niche ideas.

Im a problem solver, I can solve any problem.
Then I think myself into my target audience, how they probally spent their day and which problems & wishes they might mave.
Baaaamm a ton of good niches come into my head =)