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NFT promotion collab


Regular Member
Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
Hey there, Community! I am looking for someone with experienced social media marketing (especially Twitter) for my nft project. Looking to do some business together in long term. PM me only serious people.
Hello, DM us for boosting engagement on twitter, creating marketing strategy.
Tg: @pepeagency
DC: PepeNFT#8879
We run a large network of NFT accounts on Twitter and Instagram, promoting projects and influencers on both social medias. Already helped multiple projects selling out their NFT collections (Solana, ETH, Cronos,.. and other blockchains), even during this bearish market.

For Twitter, we're able to [1] Create hype, [2] Trigger the algorythm on your tweets and [3] reach to targeted users in an efficient and guenine way.

Our accounts look like real users, and actually behave like them, which make the engagement even more real.

- Engagement : we offer unique strategy where you can monitor the engagement we provide (Likes / RT / Quotes / Comments) the way you want, by enabling/disabling any feature and adjusting the ratio.
Our smart AI process uses different anchors that allows our accounts to change behaviour depending on various factors ; they can increase/decrease interactions if they get asked to, depending on the type of your tweet, or even tag 2 friends instead of 3 if desired. Our accounts are also able to write comments related to he text of your tweet.
The goal is to get as close as the human behaviour would do.

- Outreach to targeted users : they're also able to reach out to thousands of users in your niche, every day, via the Mother/Child strategy (F/U, tagging in the comments and DMs. Once more, any feature can be enabled/disabled.

We have various offers & partnership possibilities in order to help you selling out your collection/project, without spending your whole wallet on it, before it starts.

Contact us for more informations, or click on our banner to see our clients reviews and results :)