Newbie Crossroads - Quality of Content


Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
So I started getting in SEO about a month ago.. up until now I was reading and designing my template blog I would use to set up my niches and now I've come to a cross roads I'm not sure about:

Should my content be quality AKA pay people money to create quality content for me and "risk" my money? or should I create spinned/translated or any other permutation of that sort of content? or should it be a combination of the two?
or - other?

a word from an experienced user would really help me!
white hat link building, hand submissions to high quality places where a human reviewer is going to look at your content = high quality content required

black hat link building, automated spamming = any old spun / generated shit will do
white hat link building, hand submissions to high quality places where a human reviewer is going to look at your content = high quality content required

black hat link building, automated spamming = any old spun / generated shit will do

When you say "high quality places" do you mean pages with high PR? can't those be achieved for non-quality articles as well?

basically my question is this:
if I have shitty content but I managed to get high PR links - will I able to rank high? where is the catch?
When you say "high quality places" do you mean pages with high PR? can't those be achieved for non-quality articles as well?

basically my question is this:
if I have shitty content but I managed to get high PR links - will I able to rank high? where is the catch?

If a human reviewer is going to be approving your content before you get your links then you need good quality content eg. if you want to get a blog into a human reviewed blog directory, you want to get an article on the front page of reddit, you want a wikipedia link to stick etc.

If you can inject your links into high PR sites without getting them human reviewed (eg. high PR auto approve blog comments) then you don't need high quality content. Algorithmically in the SE bot's eyes there's little or no difference between spun shit and hand written unique content. The catch is that poorer quality links + poor quality content are less likely to rank for a lengthy period of time and more likely to get banned, your stuff will be deleted from web 2.0s, your links will be deleted more quickly etc.

Personally I am a hardcore automated blackhat link spammer and all my content is keyword stuffed gibberish generated by scripts. You don't need high quality content to make money, it's just a different strategy.
If a human reviewer is going to be approving your content before you get your links then you need good quality content eg. if you want to get a blog into a human reviewed blog directory, you want to get an article on the front page of reddit, you want a wikipedia link to stick etc.

If you can inject your links into high PR sites without getting them human reviewed (eg. high PR auto approve blog comments) then you don't need high quality content. Algorithmically in the SE bot's eyes there's little or no difference between spun shit and hand written unique content. The catch is that poorer quality links + poor quality content are less likely to rank for a lengthy period of time and more likely to get banned, your stuff will be deleted from web 2.0s, your links will be deleted more quickly etc.

Personally I am a hardcore automated blackhat link spammer and all my content is keyword stuffed gibberish generated by scripts. You don't need high quality content to make money, it's just a different strategy.

Oh I have a question for you specifically then:
From all my reading one of the things I got was that you get banned really really easily from adsense - so if you're going blackhat, are there any other good ways to monetize? do you personally use adsense?

thanks for the help mate
Seriously, how many keywords/pages are you going to have for each site. Say you have 15 pages. Thats 15 articles.

Read up on your niche and get a general idea of things, so that when you write, you can inject a lot of filler that is on topic and actually useful.

It only takes 15 mins or less to write a nice 500-600 word article.

Use h2 tags, use some quotes and format it all looking nice, grab a nice picture for it with a caption.

All in all your looking at 15-20 mins investment for each page. Certainly you can allocate 1 week to do this if you do not feel like really pounding it out, but I know for me personally, once I get the writing bug, its on like donkey kong, and can literally fly threw 10 articles in a few hours.

Try not to put all the obvious stuff in the articles either. Perhaps have a little sticky note that says:

What to do next:

  1. Make sure you vacuum regularly
  2. Make sure to clean the vacuum after use
  3. Use a good floor powder
So, My suggestion is to find some good hubpages and try to copy those, copy ehow, copy

It may take a bit longer, but you have peace of mind and you can feel good about what your doing.

Remember: You get what you pay for.....

I used to do black hat pages, now I do white hat pages with black hat "promotion" :)


So I started getting in SEO about a month ago.. up until now I was reading and designing my template blog I would use to set up my niches and now I've come to a cross roads I'm not sure about:

Should my content be quality AKA pay people money to create quality content for me and "risk" my money? or should I create spinned/translated or any other permutation of that sort of content? or should it be a combination of the two?
or - other?

a word from an experienced user would really help me!

If you are talking about your target or "money" site, the content should be high quality (or at least decent written and unique) if you want to engage the visitor to buy something that you are pushing.

If you want them to click ads on the page you could go the route of making the page so unappealing that people will click the ads to try to get to something relevant :D (it works!). Also, ad positioning is of utmost importance, you can find out a lot on this site but nothing works as well as manually testing positions and ad sizes on your site.

I, personally, use the highest quality content I can get my hands on (or write it myself if I am really excited about an idea). I also throw splog sites out there like a madman and rank / make money with them by just throwing adsense on them, but they do not all work out (speed and quantity is the key). Perhaps two templates are in order :)
Try not to put all the obvious stuff in the articles either. Perhaps have a little sticky note that says:

What to do next:

  1. Make sure you vacuum regularly
  2. Make sure to clean the vacuum after use
  3. Use a good floor powder

hey thanks for the tip though I didn't understand that part ^ - can you explain/rephrase?
Oh yeah, Remember about "bounce rate", if you don't know what it is, I suggest looking it up. May be very important in the future(if not now).
I personally don't use Adsense except on a small number of legit-looking autoblogs I have. For all my really blackhat stuff I promote affiliate programs (CPA and per sale) and that's where most of my income comes from.

You're already fucking with Google in order to get your traffic, it doesn't make sense to me to rely on them for the money side as well. Especially not giving them your name, address and bank account details - the less Google knows about you, the better. Some people apparently do well using Adsense and blackhat traffic methods, but I personally don't see the point in risking your hard earned cash.
Just saying, use things to make the article look more appealing. Don't use paragraphs to explain everything. Put some things in bullets and just give the appearance that you are trying to make things easy for the user.

See the "things you will need" part, thats what I was referring to making. Or at the bottom Tips& Warnings. Its a nice place to get some related keywords in bold as well :)

Have fun with it. Be proud of what you make.
It may take a bit longer, but you have peace of mind and you can feel good about what your doing.

Remember: You get what you pay for.....

I used to do black hat pages, now I do white hat pages with black hat "promotion" :)

Just to point out the obvious cons:
- it's expensive (either in time, or money if you're going to pay someone else to write that stuff for you)
- there's no advantage SE wise
- it is the link building side of things that draws attention to your sites and gets you penalized / banned. High quality content + shitty links will still get you shitcanned.
- it's not scalable. Scraping / spinning / generating content you can pump out tons and tons of sites at very little cost; some will crank and some will flop. Hand writing content is much more of a put-your-eggs-in-one-basket strategy. Right now I have over a million pages in the Google index - try doing that with hand written content.
- you still don't have peace of mind because Google shits on so called legit, white hat sites all the time. And you have a lot more invested when they do.
If you are talking about your target or "money" site, the content should be high quality (or at least decent written and unique) if you want to engage the visitor to buy something that you are pushing.

If you want them to click ads on the page you could go the route of making the page so unappealing that people will click the ads to try to get to something relevant :D (it works!). Also, ad positioning is of utmost importance, you can find out a lot on this site but nothing works as well as manually testing positions and ad sizes on your site.

I, personally, use the highest quality content I can get my hands on (or write it myself if I am really excited about an idea). I also throw splog sites out there like a madman and rank / make money with them by just throwing adsense on them, but they do not all work out (speed and quantity is the key). Perhaps two templates are in order :)

The one thing that has really been bothering me is that if I create splogs and link them to my adsense account with my "main" site and google bans one of them - which I understand happens like.. easily.. did it happen to you? how do you handle that?
I personally don't use Adsense except on a small number of legit-looking autoblogs I have. For all my really blackhat stuff I promote affiliate programs (CPA and per sale) and that's where most of my income comes from.

You're already fucking with Google in order to get your traffic, it doesn't make sense to me to rely on them for the money side as well. Especially not giving them your name, address and bank account details - the less Google knows about you, the better. Some people apparently do well using Adsense and blackhat traffic methods, but I personally don't see the point in risking your hard earned cash.

well my idea was to have legit sites (with medium-high quality content) with adsense and all the blackhat stuff with non-adsense (though I haven't explored what are the options there)

Autumn can you give me advice on monetizing splogs? like affiliates and ads that won't get me banned easily like adsense?
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As you can see, there's many methods and opinions. Most of the opinions are based on what type of business model/amount of effort/time restraints/money restrains we all have.

The best person to probably answer this is yourself. Think about what you want, really what do you want? How much do you want to put in?

You will find out what works for you. I find that what works for me, works better for me, because well, its what I want lol.

NOTE: As long as adobe is Number 1 for "click here", you should get some indicator of where the real work needs to be ;)

The one thing that has really been bothering me is that if I create splogs and link them to my adsense account with my "main" site and google bans one of them - which I understand happens like.. easily.. did it happen to you? how do you handle that?

The only issue I ever had was with an article site where visitors were submitting their own content and google did not like some of the topics (I just shut the site down to be rid of the hassle) Other than that I have never heard a word from them and they pay me on time every month. If I didn't use adsense on splogs I pretty much wouldn't be using adsense so I have never given it a second thought.

As you can see, there's many methods and opinions. Most of the opinions are based on what type of business model/amount of effort/time restraints/money restrains we all have.

Amen to that :)