new website needs advertising


Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hi there all,

its been a long time coming but my websites nearly finished. im a noob, inspired by BHW and especially GreenGoblin. This is my first website, and the guys who made it for me took a bit longer than planned, so im running late for xmas:(

i been taking in all the info on here and its great, but a little deep for me to swim in. so im looking for an expert.

the site is based around nintendo ds games and needs to have some SEO TLC from BHW :)

any ideas, deals or propostions ???
The only thing i dont want is my site to be shut down or blacklisted by anyone

well, then now you promote it by building backlink, articles, and social bookmark and also google adword for traffic and seo. you dont want to build it to fast in a short time period. and not mean to scare you, prepare your self if your new website get sandboxed, if this happen, Christmas is over :-D. maybe you should do white hat for the next 1-2 months, after that, you can mix things up with black hat.IMHO