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New to PPV and need help


Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, can someone please help me out. I am new to PPV, just bought MassPPV Traffic course and want to get started...

I need help with the following;
1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
2) program to rotate offer (free / paid)
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hope to hear from you,
Hi, i would like to promote an email submit offer via PPV. I went into my CPA network to find an offer. I notice the following.

Promotion Allowed:Email, Search Promotion Not Allowed:Web, DLS, RegPath, SocialNet, Host And Post / WhitelabelWhich would apply or not apply for PPV traffic? What should i look for.?

here is another one...what does this mean
Incentivizable:Offer IS NOT Incentivizable

Thank you,
i got this course too... i dont understand how a begineer can use it... right at the start of the video he says i assume you already have blah blah and blah blah lol

im running around and to figure out what niche to hit now and trying find a sqeeze page, pm me and let me know what you thought of it buddy
Look for offers that allow DLS (downloadable software) or contextual.
so u got the MassPPV course huh? why not share the wealth with the BWH community brother?

Hi, can someone please help me out. I am new to PPV, just bought MassPPV Traffic course and want to get started...

I need help with the following;
1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
2) program to rotate offer (free / paid)
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hope to hear from you,
Hi, can someone please help me out. I am new to PPV, just bought MassPPV Traffic course and want to get started...

I need help with the following;
1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
2) program to rotate offer (free / paid)
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hope to hear from you,

1. Affportal
2. Prosper202
3. Build your own list
4.Media Traffic
Last edited:
Hi, can someone please help me out. I am new to PPV, just bought MassPPV Traffic course and want to get started...

I need help with the following;
1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
2) program to rotate offer (free / paid)
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hope to hear from you,

Nobody will share top converting offers here...
As you know this is test-test marketing.
Although, I have great success with electronic sites.
Catch the high traffic site Visitors and offer them Coupon Code for same offer. It does work...

1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
2) program to rotate offer (free / paid)
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
Don't run offers that don't allow PPV/Contextual/Pop-up Traffic .Try the offers that are payout more than 2$ if you don't want to lose your money.Track and Test.
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga
MediaTraffic is good for start.If you have enough budget you can try TrafficVance.
definetely avoid ezanga like the plague, their traffic is JUNK and they still won't give me my money back (the remaining funds from my account which is over $1000). I spend over $4000 on a campaign that they managed with no conversions. They send me over 1 million hits with no conversions. The same campaign that making money on Trafficvance and Direct CPV day in and day out. They are unprofessional.
1) a good URL Scraper (free or paid)
Affexpert.com (Free until in BETA)
2) program to rotate offers
Prosper202/Mr Fong rotate script / Affexpert Rotate Script
3) which is easy to convert on PPV traffic - zip submits or the 20+ dollar offers like acai, teeth whitening etc.
If you are starting out get some experience by trying email/zip submits direct linking. Start with AdOn Networkd since bids start at $0.005
4) Which network is good to sign up with...i just open accounts with Media Traffic, DirectPPV, Ezanga
Start with AdOnNetwork , LeadImpact and Media Traffic

Hope it helps