New to BHW. Hi all :-)

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Registered Member
Oct 11, 2016
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

New to BHW. Lurked around WarriorForum for a short while but that place sucks balls.

Already learned a ton by checking the "making money" section. So thank you very much everyone!

Thank you Makistoi.

Will check out the rules.

For futher info. I'm in the male health and fitness niche, focusing primarily on email marketing (got my own digital products and offer a coaching program)
Btw: Maybe stupid question but how do you send a PM?
I believe you have to wait until you have 15 posts/comments. You have 10 at the moment

Ok thank you Makistoi. You're right, did a quick search and found that you need 15 posts first.

Wanted to send a PM for an order I want to make but I understand this is to prevent spam
Welcome to BHW OP. Never been to WF personally but its good to hear its crap :-)
Welcome to BHW OP
Welcome to BHW! I think we like to cut to the chase here more than other forums =]

Have fun and best of luck.
Welcome to BHK, if you want any type of help with SEO, be my guest... I will be honored :)
Thank you everyone.

Look forward to learn from you guys and will do my best to add some value here once in a while ;)
Hey there and welcome =)

Best of luck and above all, be sure to put in the work to get the reward!
Welcome to BHW OP.

Once you're on BHW for a while you simply can't stand the other forums any more. Here is the real deal.
Welcome to BHW. Enjoy your stay here. :)
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